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"How can they do that to you?"

"It's how the grown up world works. If you are young and inexperienced, people will look down on you even if you are the heir of the company."

"But that's so unfair to you. You didn't ask for it. And you didn't do anything wrong, you are helping the company!"Taeyeon felt mad that the board of directors decided to hold a meeting to dismiss him. Her blood was boiling when she heard Baekhyun tell her all about it. "You didn't have to pick me up. You must be tired."

"Don't worry, I can balance my work and my personal life pretty well. It's something I have been learning to manage,"he said, his eyes briefly on her before back on the road. "What is on your lap?"

"Oh this?"Taeyeon looked down at the box on her lap. "I baked a cake for you last night when I reached home."

"Wow thanks. I need that to boost my energy,"he chuckled.

"My mum teased me yesterday. She kept asking me who I am baking for,"she shared what happened yesterday with him. "Glad that the teasing was worth it."

"I am thankful for it,"he grinned at her. "If things go well, I will ask you out for that dinner I owe you."

"Hopefully things will go well for you later. But even if it didn't, I will treat you to dinner as a meal of comfort."



"Good afternoon everyone,"Baekhyun greeted the board of directors as he walked into the meeting room. The directors stopped talking to each other and turned to look at him as he took his seat at the CEO chair.

"Sir, our side has been discussing about the temporary replacement of your position. As you are juggling your studies and work-"

"That won't be a problem,"Baekhyun interrupted him. "May I present a slide presentation that I have been working on last night?"Baekhyun only asked that question to be polite, not because he wanted their permission to present the slides. WIthout waiting for their response, he connected his laptop to the projector.

"Sir we have already looked through what you did for the company. And we think that it is not helping the profits of this company."

"First of all, you guys are the stakeholders of this company,"Baekhyun started as he presented the first slide. "I examined the previous records of the company, these are the records before I took over the company. There isn't much difference between the records of my father and I. So I don't see any problem with how I am managing the company."

The board of directors remained silent as they patiently listened to Baekhyun.

"Now let's look at this slide, it shows the reputation of the company. In two years, our reputation has rised because we have been doing more charity and using our idols to our advantage."


"You may ask questions after I finish,"Baekhyun ceased one of the directors from interrupting him. "Next is the production, even though I have been busy with my studies, I still managed to involve myself in the productions. This is the project that I started and it is going well isn't it?"

Baekhyun ended the presentation and took his seat.

"So the main reason behind my dismissal, is it because I am young and look inexperienced?"


It's evening and Taeyeon is still in the school's library doing her assignments. A few people were around her, but they are all studying individually. She assumes that everyone is studying for their final exam while she is here rushing for another assignment, since there aren't any final exams for the course she is studying as they are all coursework.

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