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Taeyeon stood under the shower and let the water rinse away the soap on her body. She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed against her cheeks to wash away any remaining foam and let it flow down the drain.

So this is what shower thoughts mean, she thought, closing her eyes and let the water embrace her body.

She never had the time to isolate herself away from books and people, but while taking a shower, random thoughts will often drift it's way into her mind.

Like, why does Byun Baekhyun look sad everytime she mentions her family?

He is always smiling when he talks to her. His eyes sparkle when he talks about music and something he loves.

She suddenly opened her eyes and let a few drops of water prickle her eyes. Putting her hand over the tap, she slammed it down gently and the water stopped running.

He can be sad too. Even if he is always smiling, he also has internal struggles just like her. She can't just assume she knows everything about him just by observing the facade he hides with his bright rectangular-ish smile.

She had never cared about someone that deeply before, not even Heechul and the gang. Hanging out with them was just fun and games, she never stopped for once to think about what is on their mind when they say something out of the ordinary.

She considered herself self-centred, because she always has to remind herself that they are her friends and she should care about them as a friend. And that is what she hates about herself the most, too oblivious to care about people she should care about. 

The same goes for her parents. In her eyes, her mother is her mother and her father is just a father. She never tried to imagine herself in their shoes, worrying about their jobs and the bills they have to pay. She had always thought that they are just playing their role as parents, that they don't have friends and other hobbies.

But when it comes to Baekhyun, she just cares about him by instinct.

With a heavy sigh, she finally stepped out of her shower and wrapped herself in the towel.

Baekhyun could have a million secret thoughts everyday just like me, yet I thought he's just like an open book.

She ran her fingers through her hair as she grabbed a smaller towel to dry off her hair. Her chain of thoughts continued although she is out of the shower.

All of those talks about hobbies and school work, yet she still doesn't know what Baekhyun thinks. She likes to consider herself a very observant person as she is quiet and is always observing people's weakness. But Baekhyun is a tough nut to crack.

He doesn't like to talk about his family, it is possible that he doesn't have a good relationship with his parents or one of his parents isn't around anymore. That must be a touchy subject for him, so she chose to leave it out of their conversations unless he initiates it.

Aside from his family, Taeyeon also wondered if growing up, has he always kept up with this bright facade? Smiling brightly since he was born?

Was there one point in his life where he sits alone in a corner and cry?

Did he ever felt left out and feel like an outcast like her?

Although that is unlikely as he is surrounded by so many people, it could be possible as there are negative side effects from having so many friends, which is he is never really close with each of them.

She patted her cheeks gently and stared at her own reflection in the mirror.

"Kim Taeyeon, get a grip. Enough thinking for the day."she said to herself.

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