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Taeyeon realised how different her world and Baekhyun's world is, it's like they are from a different domain. She noticed that their classmates will constantly flock around him, as if he's a celebrity. She can't imagine herself in his position, she would have fainted if she has to interact with so many people at once. He did it so naturally, socialising with a group of people at once, leading the conversation.

Taeyeon was so engrossed in her novel that she didn't notice a certain brunette approached her until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She snapped her book shut, thinking that she was caught by the teacher, but it turns out to be another classmate.

Tiffany Hwang, she thought to herself as she looked up at the brunette who is smiling down at her. She noticed that even her eyes are smiling at her too. For a mere second, she wondered how she managed to pull off such an allluring smile.

"Hi, can we be partners for the assignment?"Tiffany asked, handing her the assignment handout. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows as she slowly grabbed the paper from her hands.

It's her first time getting asked to be a part of something.

"This assignment looks hard already. I don't even know where to start."Tiffany sighed as she placed a hand on her hip and placed another paper on the handout. "Fill in your name here and I can let the teacher know that we are partners."

"Why me?"

Taeyeon couldn't stop herself from voicing her suspicions.

"You seem nice. And friendly."Tiffany replied.

Taeyeon shrugged slightly as she diverted her eyes back to the paper in her hand. Tiffany already wrote her name on the form, the column at the bottom is blank, waiting for her to fill in her name.

There's nothing to lose, so why not?

She pursed her lips into a thin line as she swiftly wrote down her name on the paper and handed it back to Tiffany.

"Looking forward to working with you, partner."Tiffany said and spun around on her heel, causing her short skirt to twirl. Taeyeon just flashed a small smile at her.

Girls like Tiffany never bother to interact with her. Tiffany belongs to the popular crowd, so it confused Taeyeon as to why Tiffany decided to ask her to be her partner when she can just ask anyone in the class.

During recess, she was about to leave the class until she heard Tiffany call after her. She looked over her shoulder to see Tiffany skipping towards her.

"Join us for lunch, come on."Tiffany invited her to lunch, dragging Taeyeon along with her before she could say anything. Taeyeon was taken aback by the offer, but let Tiffany drag her to the cafeteria anyway.

Maybe she is finally going to make a new friend this year after all.


Baekhyun watched as Taeyeon left the class with another girl. He pursed his lips into a thin straight line, he never had the chance to properly talk to her. He was so occupied with his classmates that he didn't have time to talk to her. His seat mate especially, Bae Suzy, is very talkative and is always getting him to join group conversations.

He looked to his right to see Suzy talking enthusiastically with their classmates. She paused and turned to look at him. "You want to go out with us this Saturday?"she asked him. "We are planning to watch the latest Star Wars movie."she continued.

"I will pass, I have plans this Saturday."Baekhyun turned down the invite as he stood up from his seat. "See you guys later."Baekhyun left his seat.

"Pfft...he thinks he is some big dog or something? Acting like a celebrity and getting you guys to kiss up to him like leeches."Baekhyun heard someone mutter under his breath just after he left his seat. Baekhyun snapped his head to his left to see a boy sitting not very far away from them.

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