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Jughead decided to walk outside today because he didn't like making big decisions indoors. He figured that if he was really about to do what he thought he was, he'd need to think it through at least one more time despite him already contemplating it a thousand times.

He hadn't really talked to anyone about his decision. He didn't want to upset anyone, but it was something he just felt like he had to do. There was something wrong with leaving things up in the air, never getting answers. He's learned that this past week with Archie, who he honestly hasn't been talking to much since their conversation at the book store.

It wasn't that he was mad, he just felt done. Giving his all was exhausting and Archie couldn't even have a simple conversation with him. It was hurtful, unfair, and Jughead was over it.

By the time the boy made his way back home, his feet were achey and his throat was dry. He'd been gone for a few hours, walking the streets he knew too well. It was funny to him how he knew where almost every attraction and store was, but he hadn't been inside of most of them. As he neared his home, he noticed the familiar red truck parked outside and hoped that it was Fred instead of Archie.

His hopes had been answered.

He was greeted with a smile from Fred Andrews as he walked into his home. "Hey Jughead, what's on your mind?"

"Hello Abe. What do you mean?" He asked casually, waltzing his way into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water.

"You go on walks or runs when you're thinking about something," Fred pointed out as he joined him in the kitchen and leaned his body on the counter. "Plus, Archie is sulking around the house so I figured whatever happened is another thing on your mind."

"When he wants to be mature he can talk to me. It is not like I am ignoring him or anything. But that is not the most pressing thing on my mind right now, no offense," Jughead sighed.

"None taken. Let's go upstairs," Fred offered, and the boy nodded. A few seconds later, the two were sat on his window seat like they always did. Some things just never changed.

"I have been doing research on myself lately," the boy began, staring out the window. "There is actually a lot of stuff about my case on both sides. There is the California story of the boy who went missing and the Washington story of the boy who got into a mysterious car crash and woke up with amnesia. I guess I do not really blame anyone for not connecting the cases together. Either way, I found some stuff out."

"Like what?"

"My birthday was on January 27th. I was born in 2000. I am officially 18, which means I am an adult. That means that I am technically not my old family's child under law anymore, right?"

"Well, you're still their child but if you're asking this question in terms of where I think you're asking it, then no they wouldn't legally have custody over you now that you're an adult," Fred explained.

"Good. Then I want to notify the police that I am not missing," Jughead said quietly, closing his eyes.

"Wow," said Fred, blinking in surprise.

"I mean, it is not like they can force me to meet them or move in with them now because I am an adult. There is not any consequences that I can really think of," the boy reasoned before opening his eyes and jumping off of the seat. He reached under his bed and took out an envelope, twirling it around in his hands before giving it to Fred.

"What's this?"

"I wrote them a letter," he admitted sheepishly. "I know it is kind of stupid but I want them to have closure," he explained as he sat back down.

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