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"Salutations Archibald." The raven haired beauty greeted as dryly as he always did. He sat down in his seat next to Archie in English with the silence of a ninja. He had the tendencies of a ninja, Archie concluded, by the way he always wore all black and barely spoke.

"Who the fuck says salutations? And don't call me Archibald." Archie grumbled.

"You seem grumpier than usual."

"Well my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday so I'm not really a bundle of joy at the moment." Archie snapped.

Instead of getting offended, however, the boy just smirked. "It was because of me, was it not?"

"Don't you have something better to do? You probably can't find a name that fits you because nothing will ever fit that ego of yours!" Archie grit through his teeth.

"You have a nasty habit of crossing boundaries. It is no wonder why you cannot keep a relationship." Nameless said as emotionlessly as he always did, but Archie could still feel the bitterness that radiated off of his sentence. All of a sudden the boy next to him began to feel as cold as everyone assumed he was, but Archie had never experienced that coldness until now.

"I'm sorry."

"You are always sorry." The boy shrugged.

"I know." Archie sighed.

The coldness continued on throughout the rest of the day until physics came along and Archie decided that he had had enough by the last five minutes of the class.

"I'm super duper sorry okay? Can you stop this? Please?" Archie yelled loudly, causing everyone inside of the small classroom to look at the two bozos in the middle. The class was supposed to be gathering information about their partner to do the ice breaker lab, but the raven haired beauty refused to talk.

"Stop doing what?" He asked quietly.

"Treating me like everyone else."

"You treat me like how everyone else treats me with your harshness and your judgement. Why should I treat you differently then?"

"Because not everyone lost a relationship because of you!" Archie yelled in a hush toned.

"So I was the reason why you two broke up?" The raven haired beauty asked, almost sounding excited.

"You seem to be mighty proud to be a home-wrecker." Archie snorted.

"How? I have never stepped foot inside of your home before."

"That was cute." Archie laughed. Although the boy next to him could not force a smile onto his face for the life of him, he was definitely smiling brightly on the inside at that comment. "A home-wrecker is someone who breaks up a relationship."

"Oh. Then I am quite good at the home-wrecking." The boy concluded, causing Archie to laugh harder.

"I guess you are." He smiled just as the final bell rang to signal dismissal. The teacher mumbled something about the assignment as everyone struggled to break out of the classroom with no intention of listening to his rhetoric.

"Well now we have nothing completed." The boy pointed out as he stood and gathered his things.

"You should come over." Archie suggested calmly, even though he was jittery on the inside. "You know, so we can finish the lab." He explained further, watching as the boy next to him turned towards him suddenly.

"Bringing a home-wrecker into your house is sort of counteractive, is it not?" Nameless asked, and Archie couldn't help but to laugh again.

"You're coming home with me." Archie concluded as he stood up to gather his things as well.

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