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Jay dribbled the basketball in his hand with ease, the smack of the ball against solid concrete creating the rhythm of a song he loved. It was the only thing he was allowed to have for himself. It was the one thing he was allowed to be selfish about.

"I wish I had something I was skilled at." Nameless said randomly as he watched the younger sibling bounce his ball up and down the court with accuracy and speed. The two were at the park, and Jay was surprised that his brother had said yes when he asked him to come.

"You're good at reading." Jay pointed out as he ran down the court and went for a lay up, sinking it in with ease.

"That is not really a talent." He said as his eyes continued to watch the boy's movements.

"Are you good at writing?" Jay asked as he jogged over towards the boy and sat down next to him on them cement.

"Academically, yes. I have never written for enjoyment though."

"Then do it. Write about your puppy love with Archie." He teased.

"How come we never talk about your life? What goes on in your life?" The boy asked kindly, and Jay smiled a bit because no one ever asked him this sort of stuff. No one ever asked him how his day was or how he was doing.

"Nothing really. I go to school, struggle in my classes, listen to my friends make plans without me because they've learned to not even bother to ask me anymore. I go to basketball practice when it's basketball season, and then I go home and take care of Carry and Mike." He explained.

"Why can you not hang out with your friends?" Nameless cocked his head to the side.

"Because Carry only eats if I make her food. She hates when Mike attempts to make her food so I have to do it. And then she insists that I watch Sofia The First with her and I can't really let her down. I don't mind it. And then when Mike actually bothers to come home we argue because he won't ever help me do the chores around the house and I can't really expect Carry to do it. Then when Dave and Sabrina finally get home they immediately go to smother Carry and Mike because they're the youngest I guess. Or maybe they just happen to like them better. I don't know. I'm too afraid to ask them if I can go out so late." Jay ranted.

"I am not sure if Carry would actually want to be anywhere near me, but I will do the chores around the house for you if it takes something off your plate. You should not have to feel as if you have to stay home all the time. Be thirteen." Nameless offered.

"You'd do that for me?" Jay asked excitedly.


"You're honestly the best."

"There is a catch."

"Never mind. You're not the best anymore." Jay laughed.

"I want to hear about your day everyday. Every detail." Nameless pointed out.

"That's so cheesy." He groaned.

"No it is not. You are happy about this, you just do not want to admit it. It feels nice knowing that people care after caring about everybody else for so long."

"Is that how you feel about Archie?"

"Is that how you feel about whoever you have feelings for?"

"Who said I had feelings for anyone? Huh? No one. That's who. That idea is ludicrous." He laughed nervously, and No name just shook his head.

"You do that thing Archie does when he is nervous. You ramble like an idiot."

"I do not." Jay mumbled.

"I want to know about your love life. It is probably interesting."

"Not really. It's more like a lack of a love life actually." He admitted shyly.

"How is that possible? You are good looking and not strange. I am good looking but strange and I managed to find someone so you should be able to as well."

"It doesn't work like that." Jay laughed. "I've gotten asked out a few times, and a lot of girls try and do that subtle flirting thing with me but I don't really entertain it." He sighed.

"Why not?"

"I am the cliche boy in the books you probably read who has a five year long crush on some girl that is way out of their league and does not really see him as anything more than a friend. That's my predicament."

"In the books, sometimes the girl goes for the guy." He pointed out.

"After the boy changes his appearance and becomes an asshole." Jay snorted.

"What is her name?"

"Jasmine. It's Jasmine. She has long black curly hair that's died a lighter brown at the ends and dark brown eyes. She's pretty tall, way taller than me but everyone is way taller than me." He sighed.

"Jay, you are not that short. You are probably about 5'5 and you have not had your growth spurt yet." Nameless butted in.

"Well Jasmine is about 5'7 or 5'8. She's insanely gorgeous and insanely talented and I'm insanely pathetic. But I'd rather not have a pity party about it."

"Why do you not take the chance and ask her out anyways then?"

"Why won't you ask Archie to be your boyfriend?"

"Stop changing the subject. This is about you."

"Because I already know she's going to say no. Why put myself through that rejection? I'm literally so busy I don't have the time to be sad." He laughed, trying to play off how much it would actually hurt him.

"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

"Did you just use a contraction?" Jay raised an eyebrow.

"I was quoting a movie so I had to." He shuttered.

"Thus must be a big deal then if you're willing to use contractions."

"Give me the ball." Nameless asked, reaching his hands out for the basketball besides Jay. Jay eyed him curious but rolled the ball towards him anyways. Nameless stood up and walked over to the foul line with a lot of confidence for someone who had never even held a basketball before. "If I make this in, you have to ask Jasmine out."

"Sorry, but there's no way in hell you're making that in. Have you ever even shot a basketball before?" Jay asked Incredulously.

"No I have not."

"Okay then fine. Yeah I'll make that bet with you. Go ahead and miss." Jay laughed, crossing his arms over his chest and watching the raven haired beauty with amusement.

Nameless ignored him as he set up his form the way he watched Jay do it. He took a deep breath before letting the ball go.


Better introduction of Jay since he becomes important :)

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