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He attended his first week of school and came up with the following conclusion;

He hated school.

His classes were too easy, which he was working on changing with the help of the guidance office. He'd spend most of his time there and in the library. Adults were far more easy to talk to for him, and they knew his situation better. He hadn't made any friends, but he hadn't made any new enemies either. Honestly, the only thing that kept him at the damn school was the fact that Archie went there and he wanted just one more glimpse of the ginger.

He hated that he hadn't seen him since his first day.

Today, it was raining as usual. He had his book in hand as he always did, but this time he wasn't really paying attention to the words he loved so much. He was paying attention to the old pick up truck pulling to the side of the road through his bedroom window. His eyes widened and he immediately tossed the book on his beloved window seat before rushing down the stairs of his apartment. Everyone in the house watched with furrowed eyebrows as the boy raced passed them towards the doorway.

"What's up with black licorice?" Whispered the youngest out of the four children, Carry.

"I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen him come downstairs before unless it was for food." The second oldest, Jay, shrugged.

The boy stopped in front of the front door and opened it just as Fred Andrews raised his fist to knock on it. His eyebrows lifted in surprise at the raven haired boy in front of him. "Wow." He said out of shock.

"Hello Mister Andrews." The boy greeted calmly, although his mind was practically bursting with all the questions he had for him.

"Hey? Is something wrong?" Fred asked carefully, eyeing him strangely.

"No. What would provoke such a question?"

"You've just never greeted me at the door before." Fred pointed out.

"Well I do have some things I would like to prick your brain about." He admitted.

"Huh." Fred said, not too entirely sure he wants to know if it's big enough to get him out of his room.

"Do not just stand there." The boy said blankly before turning on his heel and slowly making the trip back to his room. His adoptive brothers and sisters stared at him with dumbfounded expressions as he passed, but the nameless boy didn't care enough to notice. Once the two were sitting down in his bedroom, the raven haired beauty immediately began talking.

"I decided that your son is attractive." He began bluntly.

Fred stared at him before laughing genuinely. "That's what was so urgent?"

"Yes." He responded, no hint of amusement in his voice.

That only made Fred laugh harder. "Are you asking for my permission to find him attractive?"

"No. I am stating that your son is attractive because I am preparing to yell at you for not telling me that your son is attractive." He sighed.

"How am I supposed to know if my son is attractive? He's a lazy slob with an attitude problem." Fred snorted.

"How come you never mentioned you had a son in the first place?"

"I didn't?" Fred furrowed his eyebrows.

"You did not. Not before last week."

"Oh." Fred blinked. "Sorry?"

"Make it up to me."

"How?" Fred laughed again, finding this side of the boy amusing. The boy was almost excited? Fred hadn't really seen the boy display any emotion before and he's been his social worker for the last five years.

"Give me details about Archie."

"Are you asking me to be your wingman?" Fred raised an eyebrow, trying to stop himself from laughing again.

"How would you become a wing man? You have no such appendages."

"No." Fred chuckled. "A wingman is someone who helps you get someone to go out with you." He explained.

"Oh." The raven haired beauty paused. "Then yes."

"I'm not even sure if Archie likes boys to be honest." Fred shrugged.

"He hasn't gotten to know me yet." He shrugged before leaning back into his seat more.

"Oh, okay mister cocky." Fred laughed again.

"What is Archie like? Besides lazy and slobbish of course. I already knew about the attitude problem." He tried again.

"He plays guitar and sings. He's actually pretty good at it even though he tries to hide his talent from me. He plays football and is good at that as well but I can tell he doesn't love that as much as singing. He's kind of a secretive person, at least with me anyways. He stopped telling me things the minute he hit high school. He has a lot of friends but his best friend is Reggie." Fred rambled.

"Good job wingman, this information is definitely valuable." The boy replied, and Fred could've sworn that he might've saw a little smirk settle on his face, but then it disappeared and he wrote it off as a trick of the light.


I'm excited to see this play out. UGH YOU HAVE NO IDEAAAAA

I have 6 chapters written out already. Next chapter is when the fun stuff starts.

Nameless ≫ JarchieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora