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"Do you believe in the after life?" Archie yawned. It was 9 o'clock now. He came over around three and ended up staying for longer than he thought he would. After the awkward fatal flaw conversation and Archie's constant apologies, no name finally changed the subject to get him off the hook.

It was starting to get pathetic.

"Do you really think I believe in the after life?" The boy replied blankly.

"Why do you always respond to my questions with more questions. It irritates me." Archie huffed. By that point he was hanging upside down off of the raven haired boy's bed, his eyes focusing on the owner who was sitting on the floor in a heap of exhaustion.

"What other mannerisms of mine irritate you?" He asked, purposely responding with another question.

Archie laughed before hauling himself upwards and turning to face the boy in front of him correctly. "You're overly confident. You talk as if you know everything. You don't use contractions. You don't smile."

"You have said all of these things to me before. I do not think that these mannerisms of mine truly irritate you. I think that you find them exciting and different. I also think that your fatal flaw prevents you from exploring me because I am so exciting and different." The boy shot back.

"You know what I think?" Archie mused.

"I do not, but I am sure you will tell me."

"I think that you're jealous of Reggie."

"What does our conversation have to do with Reggie? Furthermore, why would I be jealous of him anyways?"

"Because I'm dating him."

"Why would I be jealous of a relationship with no substance?" The boy shrugged.

"Why do you just assume that my relationship has no substance?" Archie crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because it is 9 o'clock on a Saturday night and you are here with me doing homework instead of the dirty with him."

"I came because I don't like procrastinating on projects." Archie defended himself.

"We are getting class time to do this and it is not due until the Monday after next week. You are unnecessarily ahead." He pointed out.

"I wanted to get it out of the way so I wouldn't have to talk to you any longer than I needed to." The redhead huffed.

"Oh, are we back to you claiming you hate me again? Okay, I shall go back to pretending to believe it." The raven haired beauty nodded.

"Reggie and I have been dating for a month now. He is sweet and he tries hard to make me happy so I appreciate him." Archie changed the subject.

"Do you have romantic feelings for him? Or do you just date him because he is convenient? I ask this because you look at me with more passion than I have seen you look at him."

"I don't look at you passionately." Archie blushed.

"Yes you do. It is fairly obvious that you want me." The boy continued, a slight smirk beginning to settle on his face once again. "You find me attractive. I am mysterious, bold, daring, aloof, complex, and you find yourself wanting to explore that. Am I correct? You might also want to explore me in a more literal sense, but you would have to take me on a date first."

"Your confidence is revolting and it just makes you sound like an asshole." Archie insisted, though the blush on his cheeks only deepened at the thought of exploring the boy...

"You find my confidence attractive. Why do you not admit this?" The boy cocked his head to the side, but they both knew why. Archie was the type of boy who played things safe, the type of boy who didn't go after what he wanted, the type of boy who was convinced he wasn't worth more than what he had as if not to push his luck, and the type of boy who did not date hot, confident, nameless boys with mesmerizing eyes and tragic backstories.

"Because I have a boyfriend, idiot, for the last damn time." Archie rolled his eyes.

"Well your relationship status will not stop me from saying that I find your defensiveness, stubbornness, intelligence, and your attitude along with those big brown eyes of yours, wildly attractive." The boy said calmly, staring at Archie intently who couldn't help but to gawk at his forwardness.

This was going to be a long year.


I'm not promising smut or anything, but in this book Archie would top.

It would take a lot for me to write smut I'm telling you rn. Like a lotttttttttt. Idk we'll see but I doubt you guys will manage to persuade me enough lmfao.

Anyways I couldn't help myself so here's another update. I'm at the DMV and I've been here four hoursssssss kill me

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