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"Are you whining?"


"The answer is still no."

"But it is Friday!" Nameless huffed.

"It's a school night." David smirked.

"But there is no school tomorrow." He deadpanned.

"It's the night of a school day."

"That is so stupid. What do you call Sunday then? Is that not a school night but Friday is?"

"On Sunday you should be sleeping with the Lord in your heart, not with your boyfriend."

"Is that really your justification?" Nameless squinted his eyes.

"Archie isn't sleeping over." David said with finality.

"That is not fair."

"Life isn't fair."

"Why are you two bickering?" Jay asked with little to no interest as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Jay, my dear brother-"

"Oh gosh."

"What do you consider a school night?"

"Be careful how you answer." David glared at the both of them.

"I'm pretty sure a school night is a night in which you have school the morning after?" He said unsurely, making David facepalm.

"See?" Nameless said excitedly, slamming his hand down on the table.

"You know what annoys me? I can't even say no anymore because you get so excited when anyone brings him up." David mumbled.

"Do I really?"

"Yes." Jay and David said at the same time.

"I am going to call Archie." He mumbled before exiting the room and taking out his phone.

Archie picked up on the first ring, barely offering a proper greeting. "What did he say?"

"You can come over but I suggest you do it before Sabrina gets here." Nameless smiled slightly as he hopped onto the couch.

"And stay the night?"

"Yes Archie, you can stay the night."

"Praise the Lord! I'll be right there." Archie rushed, signing off with an abrupt click.

"Just so you know," David began as he entered the living room. "There will be no funny business."

"What do you even mean?" Nameless asked. He was genuinely confused.

"No..." David sighed as he flopped onto the couch. "Intercourse."

"Why would we do that with everyone in the house home?" Nameless asked bluntly.

"So you admit to doing it?" David raised an eyebrow.

"No one said that either. Now you are just fishing."

"Well honestly? I wasn't even sure if you-" he said awkwardly before making an obscene motion with his hand that caused Nameless to cringe.

"If you are trying to have the sex talk with me, you are making it way more awkward than it needs to be." He pointed out. Nameless was way more calm than David in this situation. Maybe it was because David never thought he would have to give the talk so soon and Nameless never thought he'd be receiving one.

Nameless ≫ JarchieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang