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"I am famished." Nameless said as emotionlessly as always as he sat down next to Archie. It was first period the next day and he was about twenty minutes late to school.

"Jay called me and told me you woke up late so I wouldn't come by to pick you up. Everything okay?" Archie asked with concerned features, worriedly glancing into his eyes.

"I am fine, Archie. Just hungry." The boy waved off, but Archie didn't really believe it.

Archie sighed before reaching into his bag and pulling out a small ziplock bag of lucky charms and a plastic water bottle filled with milk. He slid the food over to nameless quickly and trained his eyes back onto his open binder. "We are supposed to write an introduction for an argument essay based on the prompt written on the board."

"Archie." The boy called, staring at the food in front of him curiously.

"I don't really know what to write. I mean it's such a broad question she can't possibly expect us to come up with something so easily." Archie began to ramble, purposely ignoring the boy next to him because he just knew whatever he had to say was going to be teasing.

"You picked out the cereal bits for me and only gave me the marshmallows." The boy mused.

"Yeah well, it's not really a big deal." Archie blushed.

"This is so domestic." The boy said before letting out what sounded like . . . A giggle.

Archie snapped his head up at the sound, adorning an expression crossed between astonishment and eagerness. He wanted to hear it again. "You just giggled." He stated the obvious.

"I blame you." He said before covering his mouth, and Archie couldn't help but to laugh.

"Whimpering, blushing, and now giggling."

"Shut up."

"You must really like me." He said proudly.

"Did I not just tell you to shut up?"

"Fine." Archie smirked before going back to his work.

After a few seconds, the boy spoke up again. "Thank you for breakfast, Archie. No one has ever put forth this much effort for me before. I appreciate it."

"If that's all it takes for you to giggle, then I'll gladly do it again."

"I take what I said back now."

"Yeah, yeah. Are you ticklish?" Archie asked excitedly, practically bouncing up and down in his seat.

"I do not know, but I suggest you not test that theory out on me."

"How do you not know? Everyone knows if they're ticklish or not." Archie laughed.

"I do not like being touched, therefore no one touches me." The boy shrugged.

"But you let me touch you all the time." Archie furrowed his eyebrows.

"That is different. You are different." The boy said before opening his bag of lucky charms--which should've just been called marshmallows--and ending the conversation.

I'm different, Archie thought excitedly in his head as he smiled brightly and finally went back to work.


"...and he giggled today. That was new." Archie explained over dinner with his dad who was honestly getting tired of going along with Archie's act of pretending there was nothing going on between the two.

"Don't get me wrong kiddo, I love that you're talking to me, but why don't you talk about him to Reggie? I haven't even seen him in weeks." Fred asked while finishing his plate of food and pushing it out of the way. Archie had cooked dinner that night because it was his turn to. He wasn't a great chef, but it was definitely a step up from Fred's cooking. It's what Archie secretly called 'single dad cooking'.

"Because talking to Reggie about him would make us all uncomfortable." He snorted.


"Because talking to your ex...TRA extra best friend about your new friends makes them jealous." Archie caught himself, clearing his throat.

"Archie, can we please drop the bullshit." Fred laughed.

"What bullshit? I smell no bullshit. I see no bullshit. There is no bullshit. You know what is bullshit though? The idea that there is bullshit." He began to ramble nervously and Fred had to roll his eyes at his tyrant.

"Okay then it's my turn to talk. I've been assigned to this one kid for about 17 years now. It's my job to watch over him, like all of the other kids I watch over, but this kid in particular doesn't feel like a job. He's the only kid I see everyday, the only kid I've watched grow up from birth. He means a lot to me." He began.


"I'm pretty sure he likes boys but he doesn't want to tell me and I'm not sure why. I can accept the fact that maybe he's not ready to come out but I have a sneaky feeling that everyone else in his life has been told that he likes boy except for me. I try not to ponder it too much, but maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I did something wrong that made him stop talking to me like how we used to talk. Maybe it's something he'd rather talk to his mom about, but he can't because it's my fault she's not here. Maybe I'm not as good as a caregiver as I'm acclaimed to be." Fred finished.

Archie stared at him sadly. He didn't really know what to say, so like always he attempted to wing it.

"I think he does like boys but doesn't know how to tell you because he has liked a couple of girls before and is extremely confused and would rather not tell you he's gay when he doesn't think he is. I think he'd like to tell you that he's dated a boy which just so happened to be his best friend but they broke up because he likes someone who shall not be named for ironic reasons. And he thinks you're the best dad in the entire world because not everyone has the privilege of even having a dad, let alone an amazing one. Well, caregiver. I mean caregiver. And he doesn't think you do anything wrong and he's sorry for being so distant and he doesn't blame you for the divorce. He never did. He loves you." He rambled.

"I love you too."

"I know."


So I had this mini mental breakdown today about the thing I auditioned for. Since I got in and my friends don't think I'm gonna win and won't go to support me and honestly that feels worse than losing. Okay but like? I'm tired of having zero confidence and being 100% insecure. LIKE. OBVIOUSLY SOME PLACE DEEP DOWN INSIDE ME I HAVE TI HAVE AT LEAST DOME SMIDGEN OF CONFIDENCE IN MYSELF OR ELSE I WOULDNT HAVE AUDITIONED.

like I can do this... How can people who have never heard me sing tell me that I'm destined to fail? It's personal now 😂 I can get myself through this. I've gotten myself through worse.

Also I decided that I'm gonna update Monday Wednesday Friday cuz idk I just really like this book.

Also Riverdale comes back on today and I still haven't watched the last episode. I'm so out of the loop of what's going on but idk I just feel disgusted with the show... like it used to be a ¢øøł mystery type deal with interesting characters but the writers turned Riverdale into a cringey teen drama with over sexualized characters and numerous amount of plot holes with little to no care for detail or, at this point, sense. Honestly?? Season two is awful. It Sucks how in the beginning of season one the cast seemed so excited about how groundbreaking this show was gonna be. Cole seemed so happy about the role, calling Jughead "the narrator of Archie's conscience" and as time goes on the cast seemed less and less excited about their characters and the show to the point where they give the same basic answers because it's come to the point where the only questions they're asked is "who do you ship ____ with?"

They really ruined a good thing :/ I hope it doesn't get a season three. And it Sucks that I'm saying this but I really hope it doesn't get a season three cuz I'm tired of them fucking up something that had so much promise and it KEEPS GETTING WORSE. LIKE WTFFFF

Nameless ≫ Jarchieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن