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"So what else do you know about him?" Archie whined, playing around with the food on his plate. Dinners at the Andrews' house always consisted of a messy kitchen table piled high with stacks and stacks of crisp papers and miscellaneous pens and pencils sprawled about. Archie liked to think that his father used the table for work more than he did for eating because even he knew that he was better at some things than others, that being his job over his attempt at cooking.

"Should I be offended that the only reason why you want to even say more than two words to me lately is so that you can ask me questions about him?" Fred raised an eyebrow at his son. He didn't even attempt to play with his food, he already knew from the look of it that it wasn't worth the risk. He attempted to make chili, but it looked more like burnt mush with overcooked rocks inside of it.

"I talk to you all the time!" Archie insisted, shooting his head up to look at his father with a frown.

"I hate to break it to you, but you don't." Fred shrugged. "You ask me if you can borrow the car or if you can have money, but you never willingly share what's going on with you."

Archie bit his lip, nodding a bit because he knew his dad was right. He didn't even realize he was doing that, but avoiding his dad had gotten easier over the years to the point where it felt like the norm. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. That's what teenagers do. And no I don't know much more about him that I'm allowed to share with you, why don't you just ask him yourself?"

"I can't just ask him myself." Archie scoffed.

"Why not?" Fred rolled his eyes.

"Because then it looks like I'm interested." Archie mumbled.

"Well you are, aren't you?"

"Well yeah, but he doesn't need to know that." Archie huffed.

"Just to clarify, what do you mean by interested?" Fred asked tentatively.

"What do you think I mean by interested?" Archie blushed, realizing his slight mistake.

"Now you sound exactly like him with the answering questions with questions thing." Fred laughed.

"Do I really have to answer the question?" Archie sighed.

"No, not if you don't want to." Fred assured, hesitating a bit. "But let's just say if you were interested in him in a romantic way or a sexual way then I wouldn't-"

"Okay! Moving on!" Archie blurted out, completely cutting his dad off.

"-I wouldn't love you any less." He finished anyways.

"I know that."



"And then he said he didn't have one which is stupid. Everyone has a favorite color." Archie explained as Reggie rolled his eyes. The two were cuddled up on Reggie's bed with Archie being the bigger spoon and Reggie being the little one. One of the things that the redhead liked about Reggie was that he looked so intimidating but he was really just a soft, cuddly bunny on the inside. They always spent Sunday nights with each other and went to school together on Mondays.

"You've been talking about him for the last thirty minutes." The brunette sighed.

"I have?" Archie furrowed his eyebrows, not even realizing he was doing it. Lately, that boy has been coming out of the ginger's mouth like word vomit.

"Yes you have. You're obsessed with him." Reggie pouted.

"That's a strong word, don't you think?" Archie practically choked.

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