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Two weeks. It took two weeks for Archie and Nameless to become close. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, they went to no name's house after school. On every other weekday, they were at Archie's.

The boy loved spending time with Archie.

For him, hanging out with Archie made him feel as if he finally belonged somewhere for once in his life. With Archie, he didn't feel nameless. He didn't feel lost or empty, he felt grounded. When he was with Archie, he felt alive. The change in his attitude wasn't as noticeable on the outside though. He still barely talked, and if he did it was in the same lifeless tone as ever. He still wore all black, he still had a personal vendetta against contractions, he still loved the rain, he still loved to read, but now he didn't hate all of mankind anymore. People, he realized, were not so bad.

Specifically, Archie Andrews was not so bad.

Archie made him feel the giddiness possessed by a 13 year old girl on Valentine's Day. He had never experienced a crush on anyone before the redhead, and it excited him. He liked the feeling. He liked the rush he got when he laid eyes on him, the dizziness he felt when the ginger accidentally brushed up against him, or the butterflies that flapped around in his stomach when he laughed.

He was in love with the feeling of feeling.

The redhead was so good at distracting him that he almost forgot who he was.

When realization finally hit him, when he woke up this morning from a reality that felt like a fairytale, he crashed hard.

Today was the day.

Today was the day, the boy just knew it. Nobody ever had to tell him. He felt it in his bones every year. He felt it in the way his body ached, the way screams that sounded similar to his own filled his head, the way he had to force his eyes open for fear of nightmares of that day playing behind the back of his lids every time he blinked.

Not even Archie could distract him from this day.

The boy couldn't even get out of bed because everything hurt so much. He had a headache and he couldn't even think. Usually, it was never this bad. Usually, he was prepared for it. Usually, he was able to pedal through it. Usually, he wasn't happy enough to crash so radically. It was all Archie's fault and yet, the boy didn't mind it. In his eyes, it was worth it.

He stayed in his bed all day, his knees pulled up to his chest in a sitting position as he stared blankly at the wall in front of him. He rocked back and forth to the Rhythm of his thoughts which were erratic, knowing he must've looked crazy by doing so but not caring enough to stop.

Today was the anniversary of his accident.


"He wasn't at school today." Archie frowned as he walked into his house and tossed his book bag on the ground carelessly. It's gotten to the point where Fred has learned to associate the pronoun "he" with the beautiful nameless boy.

"Are you going to pick that up?" Fred sighed from his spot at the kitchen table, eyeing the worn down bag on his floor.

"There are more important things to discuss at this moment in time!" Archie yelled, earning a raise of the eyebrow from Fred, one that screamed 'excuse me?' "So I'm just going to go pick up my bag." Archie chuckled nervously before quickly darting over to the bag and placing it gently onto the couch.

"That's what I thought." Fred mumbled.

"I'm going to go see if he's okay." Archie decided as he walked back into the kitchen.

"I don't think that's a good idea." His dad sighed.

"Why not?"

"He's not in the best state of mind at the moment." Fred worded carefully.

"What do you mean?" Archie asked worriedly, unsure how to take that information. Is he sick?

"Sit down." Fred said gently, but this only started to worry him more.

"He's not fucking dying is he?"

"No one is dying, and no one is going to use the word 'fucking' in front of me again." Fred snapped.

"Then can you just tell me because you're freaking me out." He whined.

"Today is the anniversary of his accident. Usually his behavior is a little bit off on his anniversary, but it was more serious today. His parents called me and described the situation so I went down there myself..."


"He's just not..."

"Not what?"

"Himself." Fred sighed, not knowing how else to explain it without violating the rules of his job.

"Well then I want to go see him even more now!" Archie frowned.

"I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Well I don't care."

"Archie, can you tone down the attitude for five seconds and listen to me? He wouldn't want you to see him like this. Don't deprive him of that."

"How do you know that?"

"Archie, you and I both know he wouldn't want you to see him like this."

He was right.

But Archie didn't care.

"I'm going to go see him." Archie said one last time before turning to grab the car keeps off the table.

"It's going to break your heart." His dad said softly.

"I can take it." Archie assured, but he knew he couldn't.


So it's been like a year but I finally updated to iOS 11 and I hate it. Ugh I shouldn't have updated. Fml.

Also, I'm getting better at this but if I ever type "Jughead" can you please point it out to me? It's habit.

And here's something else that some of you might have experienced if you've read my other books: I make the mistake of publishing earlier chapters by accident so please be mindful of the chapter numbers. Like if it says I updated chapter 20 instead of chapter 9, please don't read it. Lol it happens more times than you think.

Also at my school I've auditioned for a lot of singing things recently and I got into two of them so far but I already feel as if I'm not gonna place because I've never thought I'm that great of a singer and the girl who is considered the "best singer in the school" is in it. It's kind of a popularity contest and I've never been pretty popular. So I'm basically going into it with zero confidence and I hate that.

Honestly singing has been something I've kept to myself for so long and now I'm trying to actually do things with it and I'm trying to have faith and confidence but it's kind of hard. I'm getting better at auditioning though. My nerves used to be awful but it's sort of getting better. Idk it's like the only thing I have besides writing that I actually love doing. Then there's always the fact that my mom thinks I'm an awful singer and does like when I sing in front of her but nevermind that.

Nameless ≫ JarchieWhere stories live. Discover now