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"I know there are some holes but that is what I can remember. I remember being lost and finding the car and the murders and then the crash." The raven haired beauty mumbled. He was getting a headache now, the pounding tearing his mind apart.

"You look pale." Fred said worriedly.

"I am fine," the boy reassured although he wasn't quite sure he was fine anymore.

"You know, knowing that you went missing from California is a big deal." Fred brought up. "I know that it is a pretty huge state but..."

"You are implying that with this information you can probably go through the date of filed missing child reports and find my parents." The boy sighed.

"I thought you'd be happier about it." Fred smiled.

"I do not know if I want what I wanted a month ago anymore."

"Did Archie inspire this change?"

"Would it be cliche if he did?"

"Yes, but that's not a bad thing." Fred laughed. "Just think about it. If you ever want to find out I'll submit the information about California to the police and we'll see what happens."


"Are you brainwashing that boy you like?" Fred laughed as he walked into his house, tossing his keys onto the table and making his way into the living room where Archie was sat quietly strumming his guitar.

"No. Why? Did he say anything about me?" Archie asked eagerly, stopping what he was doing and giving his dad his full undivided attention.

"You just admitted that you liked him." Fred smirked.

"Damn it." Archie cussed before blushing and going back to his guitar. "I mean, how is he? My friend."

"He did talk about you, a lot actually but I'm sworn to secrecy." Fred smiled before sitting on the couch next to his son.

"Job secrecy?"

"Kind of, but I'm also his wingman so I'm sworn to secrecy by that too."

"You're supposed to be my wingman! You're my dad!" Archie huffed.

"You know, I haven't seen both of you this happy in a long time." His father mused.

"I think that's accurate." He agreed quietly. "Did you ask him about his episode last week?"

"Yes. He explained it to me but I'm-"

"Sworn to secrecy, I know." Archie rolled his eyes. "Why do you think he won't tell me about it? He changes the subject every time I try to bring it up."

"I think he just doesn't want to worry you. You've kind of gone all protective boyfriend over him since then." Fred laughed again.

"I have not!" Archie blushed, hitting his father's arm.

"Archie, you sat there and held him and hummed to him until he fell asleep and even then you didn't leave, you stayed with him the whole night. You went out of your way to buy Lucky Charms, because I know we don't have any at the house, and picked out the cereal parts because you know he only likes the marshmallows. That's what you do when you're dating someone."

"You make me sound sprung." He groaned.

"Because you are."

"I can't believe he told you all of that." Archie groaned again.

"Well, it kind of gives you an advantage in a way. You also can't be mad, it's part of my job."

"Does he think it's too much? Like I'm being clingy or too weird?"

"No. He seems to think it's sweet."

"Really?" He smiled slightly.

"Why would I lie to you?"

The two sat in a silence for a few moments until Archie spoke up again.

"I'm going to ask him out on an actual date. I just have to figure out what to do." He admitted sheepishly.

"Well honestly, I can see how that'll be hard considering he doesn't like much but you and books."

"Holy SHIT that's perfect!" Archie gasped.

"Language." Fred scolded.

"How come some times you let me curse and sometimes you don't." Archie mumbled.

"Sometimes you just start cursing out of embarrassment and it's entertaining to watch you ramble. Those are the times when I don't scold you." He snickered.

"Best Dad ever." Archie rolled his eyes.


Their date is gonna be cuteeeee. Archie is so cute whenever it comes to nameless. Sigh.

But um I stayed home from school today to avoid someone so here's a chapter

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