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John POV

Everyone in our friend group was gathered in the Schuyler's dorm, freaking out. It was our last day being sophomores, and time had flown by quick. (With Alex sucking my dick. Sorry I had to)

"Okay, we need to start heading out does anybody have my-" Alex was cut off by incoherent screeching coming from Peggy.


Everything was chaotic, and I'm not sure what Alex's response was, but I know he kept looking for his speech.

"Uh guys we should be going, like, now." I said.

They all realized the time as soon as I said it, and we proceeded to run out of that form faster than you can say graduation.

"Hey Alex did you- wait... where's Alex?" I asked. Suddenly, everyone panicked.

"I think we'll have to leave him behind, John. I'm sure he'll make it, we just have to believe..." Eliza sighed.

"I guess so..." I mumble in response.


"We wish best of luck to our student, James Madison, and our are teacher, Miss Roswell in the hospital. And now, we will have our top student, Alexander Hamilton five his final speech. Hopefully this one won't be six hours long." Principal Jackson announced, mumbling the last part.

The crowd cheered as Alex walked onto the stage, but he looked horribly worried.

"Uh... this year was okay... fuck you Jefferson." He said. I guess he never found that speech of his.

"Name a time and place boys, and you best not so that next year." Washington said, walking onto the stage to present his speech.


"Alex what you did was amazing." I said, pecking at his lips. We were alone in our dorm now.

"John I have to tell you something, it's important." Alex mutters.

"I do too. You first." I reply.

"I just got an amazing job uptown. Now your news?" He asked.

Fuck. My face dropped, but I don't think he noticed it.

"I have to move to South Carolina. I need to take care of my siblings, my dad recently went to jail." I explained.

"Wait... what are you saying? I mean I know we don't see eye to eye but-"

"That's because you're short Alex. What I'm saying is I think this is were we split up. We have different dreams, did we really think it would last?"

"I did, John. I'm sure we could figure this out. We need to figure this out! I love you too much to leave you!" Tears formed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Alex, it's over." It even hurt me to know we weren't a thing. It wasn't Alex and John, It was Alex and the guy who broke his heart, John.

I'm sorry if this was a bit sad, but I'm making a sequel so get ready! It takes place 6 years later when they're 25 :)

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