The restaurant

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I'm so shitty at titles lol

John POV

We walked to the restaurant, talking about all sorts of things. He seemed pretty excited to meet Angelica, so I listed facts about her until we arrived.

We walked in and chose a table for six.
While we waited for the others, he played games on his phone. The face he made when he was concentrated on it was adorable. Then, the Schuyler sisters arrived.

Peggy POV

My sisters raced ahead of me, eager to meet Alexander. I didn't understand why, until I remembered. They were certainly going to play match maker with Alex and John. I sighed, knowing it wouldn't end good. Alexander was probably as straight as can be, while John was gay as hell. Still not gay as me though.

We sat down and Alexander instantly put away his phone and greeted us.

"Hi! I'm Alexander Hamilton!" He exclaimed, shaking our hands.

"I'm Angelica Schuyler, nice to meet you."

"I'm Eliza, her sister by the way!"

"And Peggy! Don't forget me!"

He seemed extra excited to meet Angelica, seeing as he started talking to her instantly. Everyone seemed to favor Angelica and Eliza most. It sucked, but I had gotten used to it. I was just happy that Maria liked me most. Saw the me inside of me. Oof heathers reference

I listened in on their conversation, hearing things like:

"He never listens to my suggestions!"

"He doesn't deserve James."

"It was so funny when you threatened to shove your foot up his ass!"

I was kinda confused about the last one, but then I noticed John. I could practically smell the jealousy.

"Can I talk to you for a minute John?" I asked.


I held onto his arm, and dragged him to the other side of the restaurant.

"You have the biggest crush on him, and it's hilarious." I laughed.

"N-no I don't!"

"You're jealous aren't you?"

"Okay! Fine! I have a stupid big crush on him! Who cares? He's probably straight anyway." He sighed.

"Jeez, have some hope. I'll see if he's really straight. You haven't even known him that long, he could be anything!"

"Okay... I guess I'll try to find out." He mumbled, heading back.

I followed, and when we got there Mulligan had just arrived.

"Oh hey Mulligan!"  John exclaimed.

Everyone welcomed him, and ordered some food. Alex continued chatting with Angelica. Every second, however, John seemed even more upset.

"Umm... I'll be right back..." He mumbled, running off.

Eliza POV

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"I'm not sure..." Peggy trailed off.

Alex hadn't even noticed John was gone. It was pretty obvious John had a huge ass crush on him, so he was probably crying in the bathroom.

"I'll go check on him, I know how he is." Mulligan volunteered.

He walked off, with a worried look. We all knew how emotional he could get. He always had good intentions, just very easily hurt. We all knew that, because we had known each other forever. Alex, however, didn't know. He still didn't even know John and Mulligan had been gone for five minutes now.

"Hey so one ti-where's John and Mulligan?" Alex asked.

"Umm... they went somewhere." Peggy mumbled.

"Oh... okay. Well Angelica!"

He went right back to her? What the hell? Shouldn't we get to now him too?

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