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We got to Ryes house about mid day. I was scared that his family would reject me, just as mine had. But Rye kept assuring me that everything would be ok and that he knows for a fact that his whole family will be super supportive of him, and me, no matter what. But I couldn't help but feel that nervous feeling.

"You ready?" He asked me as he pulled into the driveway and turned and to look at me. I sighed and looked up at him.

"I guess." I said softly. He smiled a small smile and placed his hand on my cheek.

"If something goes wrong, you know that I will always protect you. I will never let anyone or anything come between you and I. I love you." He whispered softly, slowly inching his face towards mine. I smiled and felt myself blush.

"Thank you." I whispered. I brought our lips together briefly.

"No need to thank me. Come on." He said before climbing out the car. I sighed and reluctantly followed him.

This could be interesting.


I opened the front door and entered through it, Andy's hand safely in mine. The twins didn't come running for the door, which was unusual but I brushed it off.

"Ryan, is that you?" I heard my mum call from the kitchen. I took a deep breathe.

"Yeah!" I called back as I led Andy to the sound of the voice as he squeezed my hand tightly.

The minute she saw us, she flung her arms around us both and pulled us close. I wrapped my free arm around her and I felt Andy relax a bit.

"Oh Ryan I'm so happy you finally told us." She said after she had pulled away. She then looked to Andy.

"Andy, what happened?" She asked worriedly. He looked up at me with a look that said not right now.

"I'll tell you in a bit." I answered her as she nodded her head in understanding.

"Take Andy to the living room and get him comfortable. I'll bring in some tea." She told me as she hugged us each one last time and shooed us off towards the living room.

"Sit down baby, I'll go get a blanket." I said as I sat him down and kissed his forehead. I went up to my room and grabbed a blanket before returning to my shivering boyfriend. "Are you cold?" I asked him.

"No. I'm just anxious." He replied as he cuddled into my side when I sat down next to him.

I wrapped my arm around his waist tightly and pulled him as close to me as possible. My mum then walked into the room, a cup of tea in each hand. She handed one to Andy and the other to me. We thanked her.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" She asked us both. I shook my head and Andy did the same. She left to give us some time to ourselves.

"I'm sorry I had to ruin your family time." Andy said sadly. I sighed and laid my head on top of his which was on my shoulder.

"You didn't ruin anything baby. It isn't your fault and I don't want you blame yourself for anything or feel bad about anything, ok?" I informed him.

"Ok." He said quietly. It wasn't very convincing, but I let it slide because I didn't want to upset him further.

Once we had finished our teas, I took our cups and headed for the kitchen. My mum was standing there, a mug in hand, making sure the twins didn't go to the living room. When they saw me, Sammie and Shaun ran up to me and we're being very loud.

"She. Be quiet, Andy's finally calmed down." I shushed them. They apologized and sat back down at the table. I put the mugs in the sink and then turned to my mum, knowing she wanted an explanation as to why I rushed out to get Andy.

"What happened to that poor thing?" She asked as I leaned against the counter.

"He also told his parents about us and they kicked him out. This isn't the only thing he's gone through lately and he's really been worrying me. You know Andy, he hardly ever touches an alcoholic beverage, but Hannah broke up with him and every night he was going out and drinking. I've helped him to stop drinking now. He started getting more hate from the fans. I don't know what to do anymore. He's struggling and I don't know how to help him other than hold him as tight as possible and tell him it'll be ok, but I know he doesn't believe me." I rambled. She looked shocked and angry.

She had always looked at all of the boys as her sons, but especially Andy. He had come home with me quite often and become close with the twins, Robbie, and even my parents.

"Who would do that to their own son?" She said as she set her mug down. She sighed and turned to walk up the stairs. "Go get that poor boy into bed. I'll see you in the morning." She said before walking up the stairs and out of view.

"Go to bed so we can go somewhere or do something with Andy tommorow." I said to the twins.

They ran up the stairs excitedly as I walked into the living room. I felt a smile creep onto my face as I looked to find Andy laying down on the couch, the sleeves of my hoodie hung over his hands, hiding his tiny fingers, draped over the edge of the sofa. I picked up my sleeping boyfriend bridal style and carried him up to my room, placing him gently on the bed and climbing in afterwards. He immediately cuddled close to me and burried his face in my chest. I wrapped an arm around his waist and tangled our legs together. He brought his hand up to the back of my neck and tangled his fingers into my hair.

"Thank you, for everything." Was the last thing I heard before we were both taken away by our dreams.


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