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"Andy!" I heard Rye say loudly as he rushed in and knelt down in front of me. I cried harder into my hands and tried to make myself seem smaller, but it wasn't working. "Andy don't shy away, what's wrong?" Rye asked, a worried tone to his voice.

I didn't say anything, just continued to sob loudly as I was so confused and just wanted to feel nothing. Rye reached out and wrapped his fingers around my wrists and pulls my hands away from my face. I knew he wanted me to look at him, but I just couldn't.

"Andy baby look at me." He said softly. I still couldn't. He tried to grab my chin to make me look at him but I grabbed his hand and pushed it away. I tried to stand up but my knees where weak and I fell back down.

"Andy look at me." He said a bit more sternly this time. I tried but I couldn't. I was too damn scared but I didn't even know why I was so scared.

"Rye what's going on?" I heard someone ask from the doorway. I couldn't tell who it was as the ringing was back in my ears.

"Not now Brook!" Rye replied but stayed focused on me. I heard Brook sigh and then a door close quietly.

I felt his warm hand rest on my cheek. He called my name a few more times, each time the worry in his voice increased.

"Andy!" He finally yelled and I could tell he was about to cry. I focused as hard as I could and I turned my head up and brought my eyes to look at his.

He breathed out and his arms wrapped around me tightly. He rested his cheek on the top of my head and held me close to his body as I was shaking and still sobbing, only quieter now. I layed my head against his chest and breathed in his scent. He smells like some sweet cologne and he smells familiar and he smells like home.

"Baby I don't know what happened but we're going home. We can finish here a different day." He said as he stood up with me in his arms.

He guided my legs around his waist and I didn't fight him, I let him carry me to the car and as he drove home he rested his hand on my thigh and sang to me. I focused on the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand and how I felt safe and protected and as if everything might just be ok. Key word, ok.

I let him carry me into the flat and to his bed and let him remove my shirt after he had removed his own. I let him lay me down on the bed and pull the fuzzy covers up as far as they'd go and I let him pull me close to his chest and kiss the top of my head as he whispered soothing things to me. He played with my hair and squeezed his arm around my waist every now and then to show me he was there and wasn't going anywhere.

He was good at making me feel loved and happy for the time being. He knew everything to do and everything not to do. He just knew everything. I felt happy as he hummed to me and my eyelids fell closed and all my worries went away as I focused on Rye and only Rye.

"Goodnight baby." Was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep sleep.


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