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Everything was going perfect. I knew it was going too perfect and in a matter of time everything would come crashing down. And it did.

I got in trouble with Blair for being off social media so much so I had to get back on. The hate came back and it was worse than ever. Rye told me to ignore it because everything they were saying wasn't true, but deep down I knew it was. I knew I was weak and ugly and pathetic and stupid and fat. I knew it was all true.

But Rye would always hold me when I broke down to tears and couldn't bottle the emotions up anymore.

Hannah started making appearances in my nightmares again after we had run into her at Asda. Rye was still there to hold me tight even in the late hours of night.

Today we're all going home for a break. I'm scared and I don't want to leave Rye. I'm scared of what will happen without him. What will I do when I wake up in the middle of the night, tears running down my cheeks and a shaking mess?

I was brought back to reality from my thoughts by Rye climbing onto my bed next to me and pulling me close to his side.

"I wanna tell you something." He whispered in my ear as the other guys played whatever game they were currently obsessing over. I turned my head to look at him.

"Come with me." He said before grabbing my hand and leading me from the 'Mindy' room to the 'Rarvey' room.

"Sit down." He said as he put his book back on it's shelf.

I sat down and waited for him. He sat next me but turned so he was facing me and took my hands in his.

"I'm gonna come out to my family when we go home." He said as he looked into my eyes.

I wasn't expecting him to say this, but I guess it's better than some other things we could be talking about.

"Rye, I-" I tried to say but he shushed me. He could tell that I was stressed over the fact that if he was coming out to his family that I should come out to mine.

"You don't have to tell yours if you don't want to. I just wanted to tell you because I think that you deserve to know." He whispered. I sighed but still looked down at our hands.

"Rye I want to tell them but I'm scared." I informed him.

I knew that I would end up having to tell them at some point, but I just didn't know when. From what I can tell, my parents don't hate the idea of a man with a man or a woman with a woman, but I also don't know how they'd feel about their son, and only child, coming out to them as bi. I was more worried about my dad than I was my mum, however.

"Don't be scared. And if your not ready, wait to tell them, but if you are then you should tell them." He said as he ran his thumbs over my knuckles.

I nodded my head. I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest. He let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. We stayed like this for ten minutes, neither of us speaking or moving.

"We have to go now, baby." He whispered to me. I sighed a sad sigh but lifted my head from his chest. He looked into my eyes before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

He got off the bed, taking my hand and guiding me off the bed as well. He pulled me into a hug once we were up.

"Don't worry Andy. Everything is gonna be ok." Rye whispered into my ear. I felt my eyes tear up but quickly blinked the tears away, not wanting to seem weak even though I know that I am.

I was taking a train home so Rye had agreed that he'd drive me to the train station then start his own drive home.

"Come on." He said sadly as he pulled away from the hug and went to the other room to say goodbye to the others, me following him.

We each hugged the boys and told them goodbye before going to the front door where we each had a small bag since we still had clothes at home.

Rye picked both of our bags up and walked down the stairs to his car, placing the bags in the back. I sat down in the passenger seat and waited for him to get in. When he got in he put the key in the ignition but before he started driving, he leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to my cheek. I could feel myself blushing. He chuckled and then started the drive to the train station.


(Bad chapter, sorry😕❤️)

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