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The next morning I woke up before Rye. I lifted my head from his chest to look at him. His eyes were shut and his mouth was open a bit, soft, quiet snores coming from his parted lips. I leaned down and placed my lips on the top of his nose. His eyes fluttered open as he grinned up at me.

"Morning beautiful." He whispered. I felt myself blush. I tried to turn my face away but he stopped me by hooking his fingers under my chin. He forced me to look into his eyes as he smiled. His smile was just too contagious as I found myself smiling back. Mikey walked into the room.

"We're going out to film covers with Chris in a bit." He informed us. I hugged Rye close one last time.

"Ok." I replied. Rye got up to get ready so I did the same thing.

I put on some random shirt and white ripped skinny jeans. I noticed one of Rye's hoodies was laying on my bed, so I picked it up and slid it over my head. It was a bit big seeing as Rye is much taller than I am, and super comfy. I found myself wondering why I hadn't done this sooner. I grabbed one of my own hoodies since I couldn't wear Rye's during the music videos or else the fans would get suspicious.

"Ready?" Rye asked as he appeared in the doorway. I nodded and grabbed my phone, walking over to him. "Oh and, nice hoodie." He whispered in my ear once I was beside him. I blushed heavily.

He smirked and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers as he led me out of the flat and out the building to meet the boys who were already waiting for us.

"Finally." Brook said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and leaned into Rye as we started walking with Chris.

Brook and Jack ran ahead of us, chasing after each other. They were laughing and screaming. And for once I felt happy, here with my best mates and my crushes hand in mine.

I felt Rye run his thumb over my knuckles. I looked up at him to find his brown eyes looking down at me. He had a smile on his face.

"Your smiling." He stated happily. My smile widened and my cheeks began to hurt, but I didn't care.

"Yeah, I am." I replied. He chuckled and brought my hand up to his face, pressing his lips to the back of my hand gently. I felt his lips curl into a smile against my skin. I giggled and burried my head into his shoulder.

"Alright you two, come on! We're in public now." Mikey said jokingly. I lifted my head from Rye's shoulder and glared at him.

"Mikey I'm gonna give you two seconds to run and you better be gone or I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I don't know but you won't like it!" I said as I let go of Rye's hand. Mikey chuckled but continued to walk. I began to chase him like Brook had done to Jack only moments before. He started running as he tried to contain his laughter.

"Am I the only normal one in this band?" Rye yelled. I kept running but yelled a response back.

"Oh trust me babe, your not normal either!"

He then started chasing me. Everyone was now chasing eachother and we probably looked like idiots, but who gives a shit. It took Chris screaming at us that it was time to film the covers for us to us finally stop. He was a bit annoyed but I could tell he was also holding in his laughter. I was a bit out of breath from running.

"You alright Andy?" Rye asked as he walked over to me while Chris was filming Jack's bit. I nodded my head yes as I caught my breath.

"Yeah just a bit out of breath from running. I'm fine though." I replied. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my back against his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder as he watched Jack and Brook try to be serious as Chris filmed them.

What I didn't know was that Mikey was currently filming an Insta story and just so happened to get Rye and I in the background. He posted it. I wasn't aware that that night when I got home the only thing that would be filling our timelines was Randy being a 'thing'.


Thank you so much to MikeysgirlXxX for giving me a shout-out. She's amazing and she has some awesome works, you should definitely go check them out. Thank you hun❤️

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