I look at her confused. "What's Friday?"

"It's the first football game! Duh!" She says in a way like I should've known this.

"Oh. I've never been to one of those. Those are very popular in the States, right?"

"Yes! They are a high school ritual! You have to go to every home game! Do you know what homecoming is?" I shake my head. "Ugh! I have so much to teach you!"

I chuckle at her enthusiasm. I love Bella. She's so happy and sweet.

The teacher walks in the moment the bell rings. Since it's first hour, we have to stand up and say the Pledge of Allegiance. I mouth the words. Don't yell at me! I still have to memorize it. Once we sit down after, the teacher starts handing out worksheet assignments for us to work on. I grab my earbuds and start to listen to music.


I look at my phone to see a text notification from Rachael.

Library now! ASAP

I sigh and stand from my desk. I walk up to the teacher and ask to use the bathroom. She barely looks up from her iPad before waving me off. It takes me a few tries before I find the library. I look around for Rachael or Rosie, but I can't seem to find either of them.

Go to North West corner

I head in that direction, which I realize is much less crowded and more hidden. I see Rachael sitting down with a book in her hands. However, the book is upside down.

"If you're trying to look normal, try reading the book the right way up." I smirk.

She raises a brow. "Smartass. What took you so long? And where the hell is Rosie?"

"I got lost a few times. It's a big school. As for Rosie, I have no idea."

Rachael sighs. "Whatever, we don't have much time. Mom sent us an assignment we got. I don't have much detail, but she wants us to track a girl named Kylie Parker. I don't know why. All Mom told us is to keep an eye on her and keep her close."

"So, one of us has to become friends with her?" I say, knowing it's not really a question.

"I guess. It's the only way to be discreet and not be suspicious."

"I'm here! I'm here! My teacher was lecturing and wouldn't let me go!" Rosie pants.

"It's fine. To sum up what I just told Rowan, we need to get close to a girl named Kylie Parker. Have you heard of her?"


"Okay, well obviously one of us needs to become friends with her. I feel like it'll draw suspicion if we all suddenly decide to become friends with her."

"I agree." I add.

"So who's it going to be?" Rosie asks. She thinks for a moment. "Parker! Now I know that name. She's part of the Student Body." Rosie adds.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"I was looking at clubs. And her name was listed under members of Student Body."

"Well Rosie, since you seem to have a thing for school clubs, why don't you join? Then, once you're in, make friends with her." Rachael says confidently. Rachael has always loved being the leader. Really boosts her ego. A little too much if you ask me.

"Alright. I'll sign up later today." Rosie says eagerly. I mentioned that me and Rachael were more into the physical and fighting parts of assignments. Rosie absolutely loves undercover jobs. When Rosie realized she wasn't cut out for being a combat kinda girl, she felt really bad. She didn't feel as important, and thought she was useless. But once she found the area of undercover assignments, she fell in love.

"Great. Don't act desperate trying to be friends with her. Find a common ground." I tell her.

"I know. I know. Undercover stuff are my specialty, remember?" Rosie emphasizes.

After parting ways, I make my way back to class. The teacher doesn't seem to realize I was gone for so long. I make my way to my desk, where Bella looks at me smugly.

"That took you awhile. Spill." She demands.

I widen my eyes slightly. Could she know? Of course not stupid. I chide myself.

"I ran into Rachael. We talked for a bit." I tell her.

"Hm. Rachael? She doesn't talk much does she? I feel like she doesn't like me." Bella frowns.

"Don't be ridiculous. Rachael doesn't like many people. Not very social. Besides, you're a very likeable person." I smile at her.

"Aw thanks Ro. Anyways, can we make hanging out tomorrow after school official?"

My phone beeps: Practice cancelled tom, due to Coach emergency.

Could this get any better?

"Great news. My practice got cancelled tomorrow. I can hang out right after school."

"Yay! We can hang out at my place. Also, I know you have a car, so do you think I can ride home with you tomorrow? I know you have Rachael and Rosie, but obviously we can drop them off first."

"No problem. I drive separately from them in my own car. So, it'll just be us."

Bella's eyes go wide. "You have your own car? On top of the Audi?"

"Well, we all share the cars. But yes. I drove the Range Rover today."

"Damn. I can't wait to see what you're house looks like one day." Bella grins.

Haha. Yeah. Maybe one day.


There is chapter 7! Phew.

I am absolutely tired. I almost fell asleep writing this.

Anyways... PLEASE vote and comment!

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