V1 The Shining Beacon Pt2

Start from the beginning

Devan makes it to the place where the explosion was heard. he breaths in some Dust thru his nose and sneezes making an explosion of Lightning, Ice and Fire.  

Devan: that's new. 

I've never done that before... what was that? kind of hurt. let's not do that again.   

Girl: unbelievable! this is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!

Ruby: I'm really, really sorry!

Devan: what did I do? 

Girl: shut up. you two are complete, dolts! What are you two even doing here? aren't you a little young to be attending beacon? and why are you here? to annoy people?

Devan: well Ozpin asked us. VIP access.   

Girl: this isn't just your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice you know.

Devan: well that's good to know, I'll be able to teach you some manners Ice Queen. *cracks knuckles* 

Girl: shut up, we're here to fight monsters! so watch where you're going.

Devan and Ice Queen look at each other with anger in their eyes. another girl comes into the conversation with a black bow on her head.

Girl: it's Heiress actually.

Devan: Ice Queen sounds better.

Girl: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. one of the largest producers of energy propellants In the world.

Weiss: Finally, some recognition!

Girl: the same company Infamous for its controversial labour forces and questionable business partners.

Devan: Infamous, some's you up pretty good.  

Weiss: What... How dare the nerve of. 

Wiess grabs all her suitcases and walks off. 

Ruby: I promise I'll make it up to you. I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day. So Whats..?

as Ruby try's to talk to the girl that helped us is walking in the opposite direction I'm starting to feel really bad. Ruby just collapses to her knees in defeat and I kneel in front of her.  

Ruby: Welcome to Beacon...

Devan: it ain't all that bad. who cares about her, if she wants to be a bi- mean girl then let her. hay you made a friend today. *Ruby looks down* hey don't think of the NEGATIVE, think of the POSITIVE. I think of that when I start my day. yesterday I said I had a bad feeling. turns out I was wrong.

Ruby: what makes you say that?

Devan: I meat you. 

Devan and Ruby blush but hid it from each other. Devan clears his throat and stands up. he offers Ruby his hand, she takes it and Devan pulls her up. Jaune finally makes it to Ruby and Devan, he puts his hand on his knees and breathing heavily.  

Jaune: Man you can run fast aaaaaa.

Devan: it's a straight line how are you out of breath?

Jaune: Never mind let's just go.

Ruby: aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?

Jaune: ya.

Devan, Ruby and Jaune start to walk around talking about random stuff. 

Jaune: all I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!

Devan: I can vouch for you on that one. I had really bad motion sickness when I was a kid but you get used to it, don't worry.

Ruby: Look I'm sorry Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind.

Devan: And it was pretty funny.

Jaune: oh yea what if I called you Mr. and Miss. Crater face?

when he said that me and Ruby blush like crazy.  

Ruby: Hey the explosions were accidents.

Devan: I prefer the name Electric man. kinda rolls off the tong. Devan Macgrath the Electric man.

Jaune: Well the name's Jaune Arc!

Devan puts his hand over Jaunes mouth and shakes his head from side to side.

Ruby: So I got this 

Ruby pulls out her Scythe scaring Jaune. Devan on the other hand remembers what he did last night.  

Jaune: is that a Scythe?

Ruby: it's also a customizable. high impact velocity sniper rifle.

Jaune: a what?

Devan: *sarcastically* a sniper rifle is a gun Jaune.

Jaune: oh.

Ruby sheaths her weapon and looks at Devan's bag. he notices this and looks behind him. 

Ruby: what happened to your weapon? 

what am I gonna tell her? I throw it in the water... sigh I wouldn't be lying if I said I did. sigh, I got attacked and I lost it in the fight... no. I sold it for something better... no.

Jaune: Devan? 

Devan: oh uh. I-... I lost it...

Ruby: Oh, well you can make a new one!

Devan: I didn't make it... my dad did. 

Jaune: are you and your dad close? 

Devan starts to walk away Ruby and Jaune look at each other and then follow him. 

Jaune: did I say something? 

Devan: *sigh* no it's fine. 

not even close Jaune. not even close. 

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