Chapter 11

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"What do you plan on doing?" I had no idea on how we would be able to get Masons phone

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"What do you plan on doing?" I had no idea on how we would be able to get Masons phone.

"I have some sort of idea of what would work" I could hear Paris yelp with excitement over the phone. Her breathing was uneven. "What do you have in mind?" I couldn't believe we were doing this, planing this. Just for my brother. What if he actually died in the accident? What if there isn't more to his death? What if I'm just crazy? What if we did this for nothing? All of these questions were spiraling in my mind.

"Hey Layla! You still there." Paris brought me back to reality. "Yeah, So what's your idea"

"Well, Mason will fuck anything that has a vagina. And well I was thinking one of us could seduce him. While the other can grab his phone." Did she really think I would even consider doing this. How hard could getting a phone be?

"Why can't we just get his phone without him noticing us?" I could already imagine Paris rolling her eyes at me.

"It won't be that easy. Mason always has his phone glued to his pocket. Only when he's in the locker room he sets it in his backpack."

"Well I won't be the one seducing him alright." I wouldn't do that he might be cute and all, but Mason was definitely the biggest player in StaleWoods High. I was surprised he didn't win the title of bad boy as well. But everyone knew that belonged to Adam.  As for Jax, he was more of the perfect, golden boy.

"I'll do it okay. But we can't let anyone know. People will start thinking I'm a slut." I understood Paris she had an image to uphold and being seen with Mason was not good for the golden girl, queen B status. She deserved a king in everyone's eyes.

"I won't say anything. When do we plan on doing this?" I asked.

"What about Thursday that's when the boys have football practice. I could try to get him alone." Okay I guess that would work.

"Once we find Harvey what will we do?" I couldn't help but ask. This wasn't what every girl did with her friend.

"I don't know, ask him to tell us everything  and then find the girl. I honestly don't know. Are we doing this over obsession or something?" She said.

"I know we're doing this to find justice. I just find it hard to believe that a simple accident caused it. How could he have died automatically, without even having a chance to at least help him a little at the hospital." I knew that something else was up. It all didn't add up. It sounded like a farfetched conspiracy theory.

"Yeah, I guess.......... I'm doing this because I....... uh still..... love him even though he's gone." She sounded completely sorrow. Paris was beautiful, and kind when she wanted to be, even though she could be bitch. She also wasn't bad at all. She deserved better than to love someone who was gone and didn't love her when he wasn't.

"Can I just ask. Why? Why did you love him?" I didn't notice the words until they were out of my mouth.

I could hear her breathing loudly through the phone.

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