Chapter 2

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The last bell rang, I needed to head home now but earlier that day I received a text from Emily saying that she wanted to go to Jax's football practice, with me

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The last bell rang, I needed to head home now but earlier that day I received a text from Emily saying that she wanted to go to Jax's football practice, with me. Being such an amazing friend, I said I would be there. Once again, I put Emily first and my mother second. I walked out making my way to the football field. I opened the door and the sun was beaming on my skin.

I skimmed around the bleachers and saw Emily, to my surprise she was sitting with Paris and Maddie. Queen B's of the school you either hate them or want to be them. They are the most popular girls at school. It wasn't as surprising as I thought considering that Emily was very social and loves attention.

I walked over there and Emily spotted me, she motioned me to come and sit with them. What was even more surprising than this was that there were like 50 crazy high school fangirls just dying to get a glance from the boys. I sat down and right away Paris and Maddie greeted me they both said "hi, you must be Layla. I'm Paris and this is Maddie."

"Hey, nice to meet you guys".

"Sorry to ask but are you Dean's sister." Maddie said. "Maddie stop" Paris interrupted her. "No it's okay and yes I am Deans sister," I said keeping my head held high. "It was terrible everything that happened that night". Paris said. "We truly were devastated, Dean was our friend he would go to parties with us and all of the boys really did look up to him. He was like the golden boy". Dean, my brother was the most popular guy in StaleWoods High every girl died to date him or even talk to him. Since Dean was so popular, I was too, even though people referred to me as his little sister. But remembering it now, it was the best thing I could ever get called.

After talking with them for what seemed like forever. Paris and Maddie invited us to sit at their table for lunch, I was about to politely decline but Emily automatically said yes, and now I'm stuck sitting with StaleWoods Elite.

Practice then finished and Emily had to go to the restroom so I just stood near the bleachers. Then I noticed the grey-eyed boy walking over to me.

I felt lightheaded. As if my world had come to a stop. I don't know what this feeling is.

"Hey, Layla I guess I did see you around." He said giving me a charming grin. "I guess you did, Poland." I tried my best to not stutter. "Oh so now we're going by last names, huh."

"I guess we are, anyways Emily is in the restroom. In case you were wondering, never mind of course you were" I said sounding so stupid. He let out a low chuckle "want to wait for her? She said she would give me a ride home."

"Yeah, what happened to your car?" I asked.

"I got into a car accident so my car is at the mechanics." He said. "Wow, Jax Poland got in a car accident what a surprise." I said very sarcastically. "Hey what are you implying?"

"Nothing just stating the facts, you have to admit that all those parties and alcohol would at some point get you hurt."

"How do you know I party?"

"I don't know Poland maybe because the typical popular, jock does, in fact, do all those things maybe worse. But I don't think you would like to go more in depth to the bad life" I said carelessly. "Awe are you saying that I'm not as bad as I seem." he said putting his hand over his chest. "We should go look for Emily."

"It's so interesting how you can be so cute and shy but then be very fierce and smart. Me likey" he said as he grabbed my hand to go look for Emily. When he touched me it felt electrifying like sparks. I let him hold it for 5 seconds and then let go realizing that he was Emily's, not mine.

We then spotted Emily.

"Em, is everything okay".

"Yeah there was an enormous line to the restroom, let's go. Jax, baby lets take you home" she said playfully.

The whole ride home was very awkward I was third-wheeling and every once in a while Jax would whisper to me "having fun" and all I would do is flip him off during the ride home. We finally arrived at my house.

"Lay would you do me a favor?" Emily asked.


"I won't be at school tomorrow morning. I have to go to the doctors. I was wondering if maybe you could give Jax a ride to school, he could carpool with you." she said as Jax gave me puppy dog eyes. "Sure, anything for you Em just give me his address and I'll be there.

"No specific time, sorry. Thats how I roll."

"Thanks, Lay! love you! If you don't mind I'm going to give Jax your number.

"Yeah, okay. Bye Em" I finally closed the door and entered home.

Dinner wasn't ready yet, it was the 100,000 time I made dinner again. Ever since Dean died. When he passed away my parents weren't capable of doing anything they barely got out of bed to shower. Even though it can be tough, I manage to do it and be strong for Dean because I know that's what he would've wanted.

I honked over and over again. Waiting for Jax to come out of his house. It was already 7:55 and class starts around 8:00. Two more minutes passed and then I saw his white front door open, his house was very big compared to mine it was basically a mansion.

"Good morning Layla."

"What the hell were you doing, class literally starts in 3 minutes. Move it or lose it" I said very anxiously. "Okay miss cranky pants."

"It's just that we're going to get there late and I don't want anyone to see me with you." I said ashamed and shyly. "Really? most girls would die to be seen with me." He said in disbelief. "Whatever" I replied. "You are very rude!"

"I have brother, Okay! I need to be rude."

"You have a brother?" he said in awe. "Yeah, you used to know him, Dean Levon."

"Sorry I didn't know you had a brother, I truly am sorry."

"You don't have anything to apologize for, things happen so unexpectedly you just have to learn how to be strong." I said sounding a bit vulnerable. "I can't believe that such a simple accident could've caused a death." I still till this day think the same thing. "Yeah, I guess that really is strange".

"Well, we're here want me to get down first."

"Yeah that would be a good idea" I then responded.

I felt kinda bad doing this but I didn't want people to start assuming things that weren't true. I could never do that to my best friend.



Authors Note: Before you say anything I know this was a kinda boring chapter but this is just the beginning so there's more to come. You now know more about Dean, but I won't just yet tell you how he died. I'm going to try and update daily. Love Y'all and don't forget to vote and comment. 💛

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