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The darkness enveloped you, and, as you sunk deeper, a memory that you couldn't seem to get out of your head before played back to you once more. Instead of ignoring it this time, you took decided to reminisce before your undetermined future.

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Your bare feet stepped across the beach of old Tison Village. Sinbad had asked you to meet him there that evening and, as he promised, you saw him standing ankle deep in the ocean's clear water up ahead. The setting sun lit up his young and already bright face nicely, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"What's going on, Sinbad?" you asked as you jogged over to him "Why'd you invite me out here so soon after supper?"

Sinbad chuckled slightly "Well, Y/N, I figured we needed a break. Actually, I can't really speak for you I guess, but I know sure needed one," he stepped out of the water and walked over to you.

He grasped one of your hands in his and gently tugged you to the water with him "And what would make my break more special is spending it with you".

You looked at Sinbad with wide eyes, suddenly cut off guard by his gentle voice and smooth words.

He took note of your expression and blushed from embarrassment "Uh, sorry! I apologize if I'm sounding a bit selfish...".

"No no!" you interjected "I would love to take a load off for once. And what better way to do that than spend it with you, Sinbad?"

Sinbad's heart skipped a beat as he heard you say that, and he straightened his back a bit with pride.

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Sinbad and you splashed in the shallow of the water, then eventually went for a swim and had fun diving and playing games the two of you used to play all the time when you were even younger.

By the time the moon had fully risen, you and Sinbad sat at the end of the dock, dangling your legs off the edge, just barely grazing your toes along the water's surface.

"I had a fun time tonight, Sinbad," you said in a soft tone "I haven't smiled this much in awhile".

"I know," Sinbad sighed "ever since my mom got sick and your dad got too weak and old to do things on his own, it just seemed like we never had time for ourselves, y'know?"

You nodded "Exactly, but I'm afraid that's just the way it has to be...".

The gentle sound of the wind brushed against your ears as the two of you basked in the glistening blue light floating in the night sky.

"Y/N," Sinbad broke the silence as he touched your had that was lying flat on the wooden boards of the dock "I don't know if I can do this anymore".

You turned to Sinbad and inspected the crestfallen look in his eyes "Do what?"

He sighed "I dunno how to explain it. The village? These obligations here? I just... can't live like this forever".

You began to feel a bit anxious "So, what? Do you want to run away?"

"No!" Sinbad paused "Okay, maybe I do, but not anytime soon".

Sinbad leaned over to you and took both your hands in his, and held them close to his chest "But only if you come with me".

"Sinbad, what about your mom? My dad? Everyone else in the village? We can't just leave them behind!"

"I know," Sinbad held your hands in front of him as he brought his head down and touched his forehead to them  "I'm just saying that, down the line," Sinbad tilted his head up again to look at you "if all that is gone, and we had no obligations, we should run away together".

You blushed, remaining in a stunned silence.

"We could have so many adventures away from this place! It'll just be you and me, Y/N," his beautiful brown eyes had so much hope in them "I've always wanted to sail like my father did, but it'd be even more of a dream come true if you came with me. What do you say?"

His grip on your hands tighten, but it was still a gentle feeling; It made you feel safe. The heat in your face started to build up, and your heart beat faster and faster.

All you could do was nod.

Sinbad smiled "Alright, it's an agreement then. As long as we're together, our futures will be bright".

The waves splashed below you, but all you could really hear was Sinbad's quiet breathing. The two of you looked longingly into each other's eyes.

Finally, the two of you softly locked your lips with a tender kiss. The only other witness to your heartfelt promise was the magical full moon high above you the both of you.

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Thinking about that night fully usually made you upset, but, in your current situation, it made you relax. You felt yourself falling further and further from the world itself. It was so peaceful, you began to accept your fate of ending like your old life had: at the bottom of the ocean.

Just when you were one step away to total darkness, an enchanting, echoey voices gently sings out to you in the depths.

"My child, you have done well so far," the voice was soft and soothing, like warm butter to your ears "I'm so very proud of you. I do not wish to see you stop now, so I'll give you a little push".

You squint your eyes open, and you see a giant, florescent figure floating majestically out in front of you. It appears to be a large woman in shape, and she is reaching out to you. You do not panic, for you are not afraid by her presence. Her dainty, glowing hands lightly graze your silver ring, and almost immediately, you felt a current pick up around you; her glow vanishing as well.

You suddenly realized what that mysterious ocean woman had just done, so you yelled out a phrase that hadn't passed your lips in such a long time.

"Djinn Equip... Harun!"

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now