Death of a Lone Wolf

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I'm dead.

There's no coming back from this.

I tried, and I failed-


Head throbbing, you slowly open your eyes, expecting to see the pearly gates. But what you got was a lot better than that. You were laying propped up on a deck of a familiar looking ship, surrounded by a bunch of worried faces. Your vision was kind of a blur, so you had trouble figuring out who all those people were. But you felt two arms wrapped around your torso from behind, holding you up in the sitting position. You glance back to see what was back there supporting you, and sure enough you see long purple hair and a wide smile beaming down at you. His two amber eyes juicing up at the mere sight of you.

"H-Hello," he nervously stammers.

Your eyes light up, and your heart skips a beat "Sinbad!"

You come to realize all the other people you saw aboard were his generals, and boy were you glad to see them too! You also notice that your Djinn was no longer equipped, but your ring was still safe and sound on your finger.

"W-why are you here? How are you here?" you question, flustered by Sinbad's presence.

He laughs gently "Why? Well, to help you of course. As for 'How', I kind of pieced together that you'd be coming back here to finish the fight you had started. And then it just so happen you were thrown onto my boat!"

You lean forward, gaining your balance, and steadily stood up on your own two feet "Th-thank you, Sin. Thank you so much," a tear forms in your eye.

"Hey hey hey, why are you crying?" Sinbad gets off the floor and wipes your face dry.

"I just- I..." this interaction was happening a lot sooner than expected, and you were feeling a bit nervous with all the eyes on you.

Sinbad takes note of your red face and then turns to his crew "Excuse us, she's really exhausted".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sinbad had escorted you both below the deck of the ship to a room you had once woken up in not too long ago.

"I thought you'd prefer the privacy. It looked like you had a lot of things to say to me," he sat beside you on the bed, and touched his hand to your knee "I know I have a lot of things to say to you too, but don't worry about that right now. Please, just rest".

You felt the warmth of his touch go up your leg, and you didn't flinch at all. It was so comforting that you could help to rest both of your hands on his one.

"No, I'm okay. I do actually have a lot to say, and I'm ready to say it to you now," you sigh, not being able to make eye contact with him "Sinbad, about how I left Sindria, I-"

"I'm sorry!" Sinbad blurts.

You pause and look to him, noticing the genuine twinkle in his eye.

"I have been such an idiot. First I don't even recognize you, and then I pretend like we're just old friends," Sinbad puts his free hand to his forehead and sighs.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora