At The Bar

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Seamlessly skating across the top of the crystal clear ocean water, you held out your arms, loving the feeling of the water being splashed and hitting your palms.

It had been eighteen years since you began your journey with Harun, keeping your ring, your trusted metal vessel, on your finger at all times.

In that allotted time you felt you had pretty much mastered your abilities, especially since, if your knowledge was a person, they'd be an adult by now!

" Land-ho!" squinting your eyes you made out a coast line in the distance "And what timing, I was begging to get a bit peckish".

Moments later, your feet hit the sandy shoreline and you made your way into the village town right on the coast.

"Alright, if my calculations were correct based on the direction I took from the last continent, I should have just arrived to the very northern peninsula of Partevia".

"Alright, if my calculations were correct based on the direction I took from the last continent, I should have just arrived to the very northern peninsula of Partevia"

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"Ugh" you clutched your head with one hand "I really need a drink too, all the salt water really takes it out of me"

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"Ugh" you clutched your head with one hand "I really need a drink too, all the salt water really takes it out of me". You leave the beach, pale moonlight cascading down on you.

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You took one foot into the local pub, a few of the patrons turned and scrunched up their noses at you. The scent of salt water was stuck on you, and every step further into the establishment made it waft all over the building. At first this curse of yours made you really self-conscious, but with age, you kind of stopped caring. It was what it was, and along with the horrified faces came the few who recognized you because of it.

You see, word of the return of the ancient water goddess sparked about five years ago, all because you were spotted going toe-to-toe with a kraken that was terrorizing a large fishing boat. Ever since then your actions rarely went unnoticed, whether it was taking down a monster of the sea, or just uncovering lost treasures from the ocean depths and generously donating it to an impoverished area.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now