You're A Team

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The two of you go aboard the deck, joining all of Sinbad's generals, who were all waiting on the edge of their hypothetical seats the entire time.

The two of you, keeping space between yourselves, were smiling stupidly wide, and were both a bit flush in the face.

Sharrkon leaned over to Hinahoho, who was a burly giant of a man, and nudged him with his elbow, whispering "Look at their faces! Do you think they did it?"

Hinahoho looked down at the smarmy man "They were barely down there for a few minutes. Is sex like that for you?"

Sharrkon was speechless, blushing  profusely from the embarrassment he walked right into.

"Everybody, the goddess and I are going to take down that beast out there," Sinbad puffed out his chest.

"What about us, my king?" the tall, dragon-esque man by the name of Drakon spoke up.

"No," Sinbad stood tall with his arms crossed "not that I don't believe in all of your strengths, it's just that us two need to go by ourselves".

"Aw, come on!" Pisti up roared "I'm thirsty for some action!"

"Yeah, why'd you make us come along to fight this fish if you weren't gonna let us fight the fish?" Sharrkon nagged.

"Quiet, please," Sinbad tried to quell his general's restlessness.

"If you don't take us you'll be outmatched out there, Sin!" a sweet-looking man with boyish charms and red hair by the name of Spartos cut in "The goddess got beat by that thing three times already, and she's way stronger than you!"

You flinch. Sinbad notices the dark shadow looming over your face.

Sinbad snarls "What I said is what I meant. No more arguments".

"But Sinbad-" numerous generals plea.

"That's enough!" Ja'far shouts over all of them, making them all fall into a fearful silence.

"You heard your king," Ja'far steps in front of you and Sinbad, facing the crowd of the other generals "now do as he says".

Everyone pipes down, scattering out of the way as you and Sinbad stride to the end of the ship.

"Sinbad, I-" you stammer "you didn't have to do that for me, really. We kind of might be screwed with even the two of us. Like that plain looking one said, I've been beaten by this beast three times already".

"Stop that," Sinbad's voice is serious "This is what you were destined to do, yes?"

"Well, not technically, but-"

"You've been working towards this goal for the majority of your life? Isn't that right?"

"Y-yes. Yes I have," you nod.

"This is something you have always felt you needed to do alone, but have since lost confidence in yourself. Am I right in saying that?"

"That is also true," you mumble, nearly inaudibly.

"But you also have always wanted me by your side as well?"

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt