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Two figures ran after each other down the allies of the village, each footstep echoing against the walls. The one behind stretched their arms out to the one out front, but it was no use, Sinbad was just too fast.

You continued to chase Sinbad who was giggling the entire time with his long, purple ponytail whipping around, and you were beginning to get frustrated.

"Siiiiiiiiin! Stoooooop!!" You called out to him, running out of breath. You were beginning to get to the point where your tiny legs would give out from under you.

Ignoring your plea, Sinbad kept running and smiling ear to ear, all with a gleam in his light brown eyes, "Y/N, you gotta catch me first!" he took a sharp left corner out of the alley.

You gasped at his sudden movement and tried reacting in time, but it was too late. In attempts of making the same sharp turn as him, you ended up skidding on the dry dirt, landing flat on your back.

Sinbad turned around abruptly, "Y/N!" he rushed over to your side, "Are you alright?" he held his young hands out in the air, wanting to help, but not really knowing how to do that exactly.

Tears filled your eyes. Your elbows were all scraped up; wounds were filled with dirt and small stones. The stinging pain you felt built up all your negative emotions, and you began to whimper in pain.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. No need to shed tears," Sinbad cooed gently "How's your head?"

You reached your arm to rub the back of your skull, "F-fine..." you fought hard to hold back the sobs just to utter that single word, and it ended up sounding all stifled and choppy anyway.

"Alright, C'mon, I'll take you back to your dad," Sinbad, only being ten years old, and you being just two years younger than him, lifted you up in his arms with ease.

His strength at such a young age was amazing, to say the least, but that didn't really surprise you. You grew up with Sinbad in the Tison Village for as long as you could remember. The village didn't have a lot of young couples in it, even your adopted father was an older man. Aside from your dad, the only other family to have a child was Sinbad's, making you both the only children your age in town, and instant friends at that.

Sinbad quickly arrived to your front door and called through the window, "Mister L/N, Mister L/N! Are you home? Please open up, Y/N is hurt!"

The children heard shuffling behind the door, which gently swung open. A medium-sized man with a short, peppery beard opened the door.

"Oh dear, what have you kids gotten yourselves into today?"

"Y/N had a fall while we were playing tag. It was all my fault, I'm so very sorry!"

"Now now," your father lifted his hand, politely asking the young man to calm down.

Sinbad nodded a bit nervously and gently set you down, feet flat, on the ground.

Your father took a look at your red, tender eyes and smiled, "Alright, show me where it hurts".

Sniffling, you turned your elbows to show him your wounds.

"Haha, that's no big deal! You'll heal up straight away!" your father flashed a huge, toothy grin, making your eyes widen with hope, letting you forget about the pain you were in for just a brief moment.

Your father picked you up gently into his strong arms, "Thank you, Sinbad, but I'll take it from here," he adjusted you slightly due to a twinge in his back, but he played it off casually, "you have no need to worry, just run along home".

"Are you sure, sir? I kind of want to stay until I see that Y/N's alright!"

"That's very sweet of you, and I'd let you do that, but I think your mother would worry about you if you stayed out any longer, don't you think?"

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now