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Managing to remain conscious the entire time that Yamuraiha was analyzing you, you still felt very sickly and a bit dizzy. The kind of sorcery she does is such that you can hardly understand, which was ironic since you yourself are magic that has yet to be understood.

Yamuraiha sighed and walked away from your bed side, picking up her large, pointed hat and setting it upon her head "I'm afraid there is nothing I can do".

Sinbad, who was standing in the corner of the room with his arms crossed, spoke up in a stern tone "Yamuraiha, is there something someone else could do? What is the cause of this exactly?"

"That's the thing," Yamuraiha furrowed her brow "I'm not sure what's exactly causing her weakness and why," she shook her head, sounding a bit frustrated "all I know for sure is that water seems to accelerate her symptoms further, not initiating them".

"So her being subjected to water itself is not the cause?" Sinbad asked in reassurance.

Yamuraiha glanced back at the King "Yes, and I'm afraid that's all my magic has to tell me," she then looked back at you "but there might be a sorcerer that might have a way to get more information outside of Sindria".

"Alright, then lets bring them here then! Contact them and send out my fastest ship!" Sinbad proclaimed.

Yamuraiha grew quieter "I'm afraid that won't be possible. He is a very busy man, and he's getting pretty up there in years".

Sinbad rolled his eyes, gesturing in your direction "It's the goddess of oceans for crying out loud! I'm sure this wizard guy could take time out of his busy schedule to save a powerful celebrity such as her!"

"He might not even be able to help, my King," Yamuraiha looked saddened, running her fingers through her long, blue ponytail "I'm not even certain that he would do any better than myself considering the goddess of oceans is a being that had yet to be explained by any sort of magic. I'm almost certain he would not come to help at all due to the fear he would fail and tarnish his own reputation I bet...," she trailed off.

"So, what you're saying is," Sinbad walked next to Yamuraiha, massaging his temple "we'd have to take our goddess here on an ocean voyage for her to see him? Why... that's basically a death wish! She could barely look at the sea without collapsing, let alone ride along it!"

"Quiet, please, King Sinbad," you calmly spoke up, raising your hand to silence him "Yamuraiha, was it?" you turned and looked at the sorceress.

"Y-yes, dear goddess?" she stepped closer to you, clutching her hands tight against her clam shell bra.

"Tell me, as things look now, would you be able to predict the state I would be in in a year or so from now?"

"Well," she glanced to the floor, and began to nibble on her thumbnail "from what I could hypothesize after noticing your depletion of Rukh, plus the state of your physical body, the result will be nowhere lethal–".

You nodded silently.

"But your powers will completely disappear, not to mention some of your normal physical abilities as well due to the damage you've endured just moments ago at the beach."

You blinked at her, a million things running through your head.

"And, based on further observation, most of your remaining power is focused on your legs. My guess is that the Rukh is keeping them in working order, but when all your energy is depleted, it's very unlikely you'll be able to even walk."

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now