A Goddesses Origin

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Shooting out of the water into the sky, you hadn't felt more like yourself in such a long time. The rush of water carried you above the ship and held you aloft, your heart rate accelerated and quickly sent adrenaline pumping through your veins. You raised your ringed hand into the sky, watching the band glisten along with the stars above.

"Djinn equip, Harun!" you shouted with all the air that filled your lungs. All the wizards aboard the ship looked up at you in both astonishment and fear.

The powerful transformation you were going through caused your skin to turn a deep teal shade, and vibrant scales of that same color sprouted along your legs. Your clothes transformed as well, it almost was like you fashioned sea dwelling plants into a flashy two piece bathing suit, and then adorned yourself in a long, light pink scarf that gently wrapped over your shoulders while both ends dangled down to your feet. The ribbon-like texture to the scarf next to your scaly legs gave off an illusion like you were adorning mermaid inspired attire.

Your body that rose above your kidnapers felt so alive, so free, but the deep burning sensation within yourself that screamed for utter destruction to those who had harmed you still dwelled  inside you, aching you to your core; you dared not to let this feelings fester any longer.

With grace, you lifted your arms up, causing a wave of water to build up around you as you eyed down at the faces below. You could tell most of them were frantically using magic of all kinds to stop you, but nothing they did worked. No magic was more powerful than the goddess of ocean's wrath.

You then swung your arms down, making the wave of water follow suit. The gallons upon gallons of water you once held up with your powers came crashing down onto the ship deck with ferocity. Everyone on board either toppled over or got washed off the deck completely.

You too dove down to the deck, landing flat on your feet; you felt some of the floor boards crack under you from the landing. You looked around, all the water you dunked onto the ship was mostly gone, but all the soaked wizards still left aboard were stunned. They shook in their boots as you traced your glare over each and everyone of them, before locking your eyes on Gray, who was right where you left him, just toppled over, soaking wet, on the deck.

He was coughing up a lot of sea water, but you didn't care about his condition at this point. You strode over to the cowering wizard and lifted him up by the collar. You take note of his blood stained sleeve you had left him just moments before.

"Alright Gray, you need to talk," you snarled at the drenched man in your powerful grasp "you no longer hold power over me, so I suggest you spill all you know about me, my past, and especially my mother!"

Gray, who was still coughing, managed to still flash a belittling smirk at you "You mother? Pha ha ha!"

You gripped onto his collar tighter and slammed his back against the outside of the crew quarters wall at the back of the ship "This isn't a joke, Sorcerer! You should know exactly what I'm capable of doing and then some!"

Gray winced in pain, realizing how really defeated he was "Fine," he sighed "if you insist, goddess".

He put his arm up in defeat, while also trying to raise his other arm that you injured earlier, but it seemed to be too weak to do so.

You took note of his surrender, and released him from your tight grip. His body slumped to the floor, back sliding against the wall on the way down. You remained standing, looming over him with your arms crossed, waiting for him to spill whatever he knew.

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