A Third Try

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This was it, the fight you had been waiting for. There you were, in the middle of the sea at a familiar place that gave you a run for your money just earlier that week. You were sick of wasting more time, so you raised your ringed hand.

"Djinn equip, Harun!" you shout out into the cloudy morning sky.

With a graceful spiral of beautiful light and whisking water, you transformed into your mermaid-esque Djinn Equip. You felt the power run through your veins as you confidently puffed up your chest, clenching your fists as if you were about to punch the sky.

"Oh my gosh, why didn't we do this the last time. What a fool I was to go without this power!"

Perhaps it was your pride back then—you felt as if fighting the Great Fish was a fight for you alone—but you had learned so much about yourself just then. Sure you were still a powerful ocean goddess born only to destroy, but that doesn't mean you still can't have humanity, hopes or desires.

"Lets not beat around the bush," you sneer as you raise your open palms "I want to get a good look at this fishy!"

You firmly bring your hands together and slowly lower them in front of you in a chopping motion. In turn, the water before you began to separate the direction you were facing, as if you took a giant blade and sliced the top of the water itself. You felt as if all the water's pressure was pushing against you the lower you cut into the ocean, so once you were at your breaking point, you separated your hands from one another to split the sea in two. The strain was weighing down on you, but the adrenaline flowing through your body made you feel almost no pain at all. You gradually continued the motion until your arms were completely spread out. Where you were floating you were still suspended in midair, but now all the water you had pushed was now two towering walls on either side of you.

Your arms still out, breathing getting heavier, you darted your eyes to the ground you uncovered from the water. Sure enough, you saw exactly what you were looking for. Red scales glimmered in the sunlight at the very bottom. You had completely immobilized it by taking its main element away, and you could see the rage in its eyes as it looked up at you, flapping it's razor sharp maroon fins in panic. Despite you uncovering the beast it was still impressively large, and almost serpent like in form. From where you were suspended you could tell it was at least as large as the palace back in Sindria, and it had many rows of sharp teeth it was baring at you.

This is it. It is for sure the adversary I will use to prove my growth, and take out my vengeance on after all these years.

The Great Fish lies on the ground, seemingly immobile, but so are you. This would be the perfect opportunity to destroy the beast once and for all, but if you were to move from this position, the waves would come crashing down on the both of you, and the fight would become increasingly more difficult.

You wince in pain, feeling the ocean's crushing weight catching up to you "I need to act, but it has to be precise, or else I'm sure to lose my opportunity!"

Eyeing the fish, you quickly dive down to it, holding your arms out to still hold up the water around you. But since you moved out of place, the water began to flow down from the top, almost like it was diving down with you. You were managing to keep ahead of you clear, but behind you came a rushing flood you had to be quicker than.

You fell closer and closer to the beast as it felt large drops of water hitting its scales. You readied yourself for your first epic blow, pointing out your leg towards it, aiming the ball of your heel directly at its right eye. You quickly approach it with the speed of gravity, plus the added weight of the water pressing down on your back. You were so close to hitting him with a brutal kick right in the eye.

"This is it! With this force to the eye socket, I'm sure to puncture its brain!"

And you would have, but you then felt an immense slap against your entire left side. The fish had managed to whip its long tail around without you noticing, and hit you with it, sending you plunging into the water beside you.

Ears ringing, and feeling a bit disoriented, you scramble in the water while trying to piece together which way was up or down. But there was no time, as you tumbled in the sea you realize that all the water you separated was now back in its place, and you panicked as you were trying to pin-point the fish's new location.

Right as you got yourself upright, you turn to see that the fish too was now freely darting through the water. It had quickly made a sharp turn and started barreling right for you. A garbled ROAR echoed through the water.

With your quick thinking you jet yourself through the water, successfully dodging the monster's lunge. It quickly turns with its long body, altering the current around you. You try to force the current to move the fish elsewhere.

If I could get it above water and throw it on vacant land, I would be able to do my final blow with ease from there.

You started lifting the water around the fish upward, focusing all your energy on just that.

With your steady perseverance, you managed to do just that. Along with the fish, you slowly rose out of the water. You held the beast aloft in an orb of sea water to keep it in your control.

Sadly, for your plan, you weren't anywhere near any land. And in your distracted state of looking around for the best place to go, the fish managed to slip from the water you were holding, and fall right down to the ocean below face first.

You panicked, waving your hand to try to grab it in the water again, but you were too slow, and the water was too dark to see through.

Without warning, the Great Fish dove up from right under you, nearly missing you with its mouth, but it did managed to launch you off its upper lip into the sky. With a wide arch, your body was flung, until you ultimately hit hard ground.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang