The Party

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You clutched onto the the sleeve of your new dress Yamuraiha had dug out for you for the party. The dark blue satin fabric was very soft, but the jewels all over it were kind of irritating on your skin.

"Are you done?" Yamuraiha called from the other side of the door.

"Oh, yes, come in!" you chimed.

Yamuraiha walked in followed by Pisti.

"Oh my gosh!" Pisti put her hands to her cheeks "You look so beautiful! Yamuraiha's dress looks so good on you!"

You chuckle "Thank you," you point to your flowing long sleeves that were sparkling in the setting sunlight shining through the window "but don't you think it's a bit too flashy?"

"Well of course!" Pisti shouted throwing her arms up into the air "It's a party for you, it's kind of the norm to dress like that".

"If you're not comfortable with it I could find you something else, dear goddess," Yamuraiha had a concerned look on her face.

You shook your head with a soft smile "No no, that's alright, I'm sure I'll adjust. And besides, King Sinbad said he'd come and escort me any minute now, so I'd rather not still be changing if he could burst in at any moment...".

Yamuraiha nodded, furrowing her brow and crossing her arms.

"Ugh, he would do that, wouldn't he?" Pisti put her hands gruffly on her hips and looked up at Yamuraiha who was at her side.

"It's hard to say just how more forward he would be with the goddess of oceans of all people, but I wouldn't put it past him. The man's a pig."

"Are you sure you're okay, goddess?" Pisti cracked her knuckles "If you wanted we could guard the door for you while you change into something else, you know, for protection!"

"No, that won't be necessary," you wave your hand as you hear laughter and merriment coming from outside "besides, it sounds like the party is starting, so you two better go on ahead, I'll catch up in a few, I'm sure".

The two women nodded and stepped out the door. You, in the mean time, needed to calm your nerves.

This sucks! This really really sucks!

Your body subconsciously stiffened as you longingly looked out the window and glimpsed at the ocean beyond the wide island you were trapped on.

But I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself, I should at least enjoy myself somewhat and face the facts!

Your legs shook. They were still strong enough to hold you up, but they felt so much weaker than they ever had before. You fought back the tears, and straightened your back, holding your head high.

"I am no longer the goddess of oceans," you boldly said to yourself "I am now like a normal person, like many great heroes in this world who came before me. All who cultivated the world in the beginning".

You spoke as if it was rehearsed, like your words were only made to fool you that you were confident. Just empty words you wished you could follow blindly.

Until a surprising thought struck you.

"Like my father," a tear got passed your emotional barrier you had just built.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now