The Giant

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A large blue foot stomped down in front of the cart, halting it. The horses pulling it were in such a panic, they got loose from their harnesses and took off. The three kidnappers and the three captives — including yourself — became engulfed in such fear that your bodies froze in place as you watched a giant, blue man loom over you with a long, black braid hanging down over one of his shoulders.

The giant furrowed his brow, "What's going on here?" he reached his hand down towards you.

The three kidnappers were knocked back into their senses, readying to flee, only to finally notice that their horse power had depleted.

The giant ripped off the roof of the cage cart, and gently picked you and the other women out of it.

The giants large eyes made contact with yours, "It's you, Y/N! I'm so happy I've finally met you"!

Shaking, you remained silent out of fear. The other two women were thankful it wasn't them that this monster picked out of their small crowd.

"But it seems I was awaken from a strangers hand in that ring, not yours," he glared down at the cart, the three men shook in their boots.

The blue giant bent down and ripped the cart with the two other women in it from the front seat it was attached to that the kidnappers were sitting on. He held the caged women close as he readied his leg. With a swift follow through, the blue giant punted the kidnappers out of sight.

Your jaw dropped "What in the-" you glanced up at the blue giant's face, "Who are you? Wh-what are you, even?!"

One of the other women chuckled, while the third still was a bit frazzled.

"Me?" The blue giant turned to you "You mean Dedric hasn't told you?"

Dedric, my Papa... H-How does he know his name?

"Well, I'm a Djinn! Your Djinn to be exact," he nodded at you "And what an honor it is to be the Djinn of Y/N, the goddess of oceans".

Staring blankly at the giant who called himself a 'Djinn', you processed a lot of things in your mind, ultimately only being able to say: "Come again"?

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You and the two other woman laid upon the Djinn's head, making use of his soft, silky hair as a nice resting spot as he carried you through the darkness of the night desert. The dry wind was brisk against your skin.

"Don't worry, we're almost back home, I promise you," the Djinn assured.

You and the other two passengers were exhausted, but you were all having some trouble getting some rest on the bumpy ride in the cold air, so it gave you some time to ponder the Djinn's words.

"Ha, why am I not surprised. If Dedric hasn't told you about me, why would I expect him to tell you about that?"

"Goddess..." you held the silver ring in your palm, looking at it intently, mumbling to yourself "did he say... I am one"?

Your body was too exhausted to take all this in at once. It also didn't help that the Djinn spoke of your father like he was still alive. You could feel your heart break all over again.

"Here we are!" the Djinn shouted.

You looked up and realized you had just arrived back to the outskirts of town.

The Djinn set the three of you down. Almost immediately, the two other women started making their way back to the Tison Village, but you couldn't help but freeze in your tracks.

"Welp," the Djinn broke the silence "I guess I'd better get back in that ring"!

"Y/N, you need to go out and find yourself! Don't worry about me."

Esra's words echoed in your mind.

"I have the whole village to look after me, so just go. This is your life, and you need to live it."

You turned and faced the Djinn, clutching the ring in one hand, and holding the other hand's palm outward toward him, "Wait"!

The Djinn's expression turned confused, and he tilted his head.

"You and I are going to get out of this place," you lowered your arm, "Meanwhile, you're going to tell me everything that you know".

"He he," the Djinn smirked, "As you wish, dear goddess," he bowed his head.

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