V1 Eventfull Evening

Comenzar desde el principio

the door to From Dust Till Dawn opens and Devan looks at the door.

????: Do you know how long it took to find an open Dust store.

Keeper: just take the money and go.

????: we don't want the money. Collect the dust.

As he said this his men go to the tubes of dust and start to collect it. with these small tubes with responding colour. as the shopkeeper try's to keep his cool Devan can tell he's about to piss himself I have to do something.

As I hear him say this one of his men points his gun at the shopkeeper. I look at the books and turn Ruby.

Devan: act natural. we'll ketch them off guard.

no one's pov

one of the henchman1 sees Ruby and Devan. he walks up to them pointing his sword at Ruby with a second henchman pointing a gun at Devan.

henchman1: put your hands up.

henchman2: everything in your pockets. now!

henchman1: hands where I can see them. um, hello you got a death wish.

as henchman1 walks over to Ruby to pull her hood down Devan grabs his hand.

Devan: now!

in sink henchmen 1 and 2 go flying thru the glass as two bodies follow behind the flying bodies. the remaining 4 look at Ruby as she ready's her giant Scythe and Devan pulls his AMP out extending it thru the force of the electricity and it starts to glue blue.

????: ok get them.

as they come running at the two Ruby twirls around the grounded scythe kicking one of them in the face as Devan goes under her and uppercuts the same one with his AMP sending him flying. Devan does a spinning kick and Ruby launches herself off the kick. Ruby hits one of the last three henchmen up in the air and a bolt of lightning hits the one she nocked up. Devan runs over to one with a machine gun. as he getting shot at he slides under and trips the henchman and hits him in the back with his AMP nocking him over to Ruby. she kicks him in the face and shoots her Scythe in the opposite direction of the last henchman kneeing him in the face.

(Devan's pov)

.....: you were worth every cent truly you were... well Red, Electric Man I think we can all say this has been an event full evening and as much as I'd love to stick around I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

He said that and then a ball of fire shots out of his cane. Ruby jumps up and Devan does a backflip to get away from the explosion.

Devan: where did he go?

Ruby: up there!

Me and Ruby look up to see him already halfway up a ladder. The shopkeeper comes out and looks at me and Ruby like were heroes.

Red: do you mind if we go after him?

keeper: Go ahead.

me and Ruby go to the building and I start to climb it.

Devan: see you at the top.

as I'm climbing the building I hear gunshots go off and Ruby flies past me and I get a little annoyed.

Devan: it's not a race Ruby!

we make it to the top and stand next to each other.

Red: hey.

????: aren't you two persistent.

when he said that a big plane comes out of nowhere and shins a light on me and Ruby.

????: end of the line Red and Electric man

he throws a red rock and was about to shoot it. I made a split-second decision and got in front of Ruby to shield her from the explosion. I wait for the explosion to hit but nothing I open my eyes to see an adult female in front of us with a purple shield that covered us from the explosion. I realize that me and Ruby are still hugging and we both blush like mad, we separate still blushing.

Devan: I'm s-sorry . I was just trying to protect you.

Red: I-It's ok.

with a flick of her wand pink beams of energy shot out of it and hit the plane multiple times. The ginger pimp left in a hurry to get someone but when he was doing that the lady with the wand shot a pink ball in the sky and maid a storm of ice. As the ice keeps hitting the plane a lady in red walks out and her arms start to glow red and shot a red ball at the lady in front of us. she blocks it but the ground under her starts to Glow and explodes she got out of the way in time with a backflip. she grabs all the rubbly from the explosion with her wand and makes it a giant spear and lunch's it at the girl in red just for her to blow it up. Me and Ruby get sick of watching. Ruby shoots from her sniper as I shoot my lightning and we both try to hit her as she makes every projectile we fire disappear as they hit her hand. the girl in red sweeps her hand and red circles spin around us they explode I role to the left as Ruby and the witch rolled forward, the plane was gone.

Red: you're a huntress. right? can I have your autograph?

Devan: really Ruby? now?

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