14. The Change

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Holy shit we're back. Enjoy to all those who are still reading this haha, probably not many tbh.


3rd Person.

The dissapparating group arrived at Grimmauld Place forty seconds before Kai did. As soon as he landed, he walked with purpose to the door, his mates survival the only thing on his mind.

"Quickly open the door, I need to get her laid down so her body can heal and adjust to the changes." He orders as Sirius rushed to carry out his demands. The group entered the musty house as quickly as they could so as to not cause a scene on the muggle street. Almost immediately Esme and the rest of the Cullen's rushed forward to catch the first glimpse of their sister and daughter in a very long time. Esme let out a small sob and darted forward, her hand outstretched to lay on her daughter's forehead.

"Oh my daughter!" Her hand however came to an abrupt halt when Kai's powerful voice stopped her.

"Don't! You must not touch either her or I, not if you want to keep your sanity." No-one dared move any closer. Swiftly he ascended the stairs, following his nose to a room with remnants of Anna's scent that lingered and laying her down gently on the bed before settling softly beside her and cradling her small body in his arms. 

Downstairs everyone was silent for a minute or two, drinking in the events of the day. Remus was the first to break the silence by turning to his best friend.

"What you said back at the house Sirius, is it true?" Sirius sat on the bottom of the staircase with his head in his hands. He nodded silently. "Well this changes everything." Remus shakes his head in disbelief. 

"What are you talking about Remus?" Esme questioned. 

Carlisle sighed and turned to his wife. "There was a letter in Anna's hands when we found her, it was from her mother." He paused and took an unneeded breath. " It explained a great deal of things but mainly, it revealed the truth about her parentage, in particular her father." 

At this, all that did not go to get Anna grew more confused. 

"What do you mean Remus? We all know that that poor girl is You-Know-Who's daughter!" Molly exclaimed.

"Except that she's not." Everyone turned to Sirius who at last spoke. "She's mine."


Kai's P.O.V

I heard the outpour of emotion at Sirius' statement from the bedroom, I too, who knew more than most living beings in the world, was shocked by this new development. My mate was not the daughter of some tyrannical maniac. I look down at her peaceful form. She was utterly breathtaking and regaining some color to her face ofter her ordeal. I knew from the first moment I aid eyes on her that she was a pure and good person, the potion that she was given by her father however had hidden that deeply, and it would had felt similar to being trapped within her own mind, unable to control her decisions, action and free will. 

I knew that now she was changing the effect of the potion would no longer have a hold on her, but that wasn't what I was worried about. It was the stifling guilt at what she had done over the past months that worried me. The tens of people that had met their end at her hands. I knew that today she was willing to let it all go, me go, and ascend either to my father, or his enemy Lucifer. 

I stroked whisps of golden hair off her forehead and felt the tingle of electricity at the touch. It would still be a few days before things died down. If anyone touched either Anna or me at this moment, the power of our beings merging together would effectively cause their neural functions to short circuit and cause it to stop. What I had done today to save her will undoubtedly cost me my place in heaven but it was nothing compared to what I would lose without her. 


3rd Person

The house was again disrupted when Dumbledore arrived in Grimmauld Place with two companions. Molly, Esme, Rosalie, Alice and Bella who all sat in the kitchen jumped as the fireplace flared up green. 

"Good evening." Albus Dumbledore greets the surprised women. The two teenagers slightly behind shuffle awkwardly waiting to be introduced. "I'm quite sorry for the lack of notice but I thought it prudent to bring two of Anna's particular friends to be by her side as she recovers and re adjusts to her new life. This young lady is Jezebel Torres and this young man is Jace, I do hope there is room for them to stay for a few nights." The old man smiles slightly and nudges the two teenagers forward. 

"Of course Albus, are any of you hungry, dears?" Molly fusses over the new guests.

"Where is she?" Jezebel blurts out, the concern for her friend having kept her up many nights for the past few months. Jace reaches out and takes her hand in comfort.

"She's upstairs, in her old room, but-" Before Esme can finish the teens turn to exit the kitchen, however the sight of a tall, muscled man stopped them. Jace and Jezebel stare as they notice the intricate designs that cover his body glow slightly, I didn't take them long to realize what he was.

"Holy shit is that-" Jace gapes, interrupted by Jezebel.

"-an angel. Yep." Jezebel nods in awe. 

Kai looked down at the two teenagers standing in front of him, before he looks to the other women in the room.

"She's awake." He simply says.

"Awake?" Kai turned to the girl.

"Jezebel, right?" She looks up, amazed, and nods shortly. "Your friend has had a very hard time, since the rescue two weeks ago she has been asleep. She has just woken up." 

Both Esme and Molly let out heavy sighs of relief and sit down.

"Thank the lord." Molly whispered. Kai cocked his head and half grinned as he thought about his fathers involvement in this, or lack thereof. 

"Indeed." Kai turned to return to his mate and was just about to step through the door when the Jace called him back.

"Can we see her?" 

The looks on their faces made it hard to say no, so he nodded and gestured for them to follow him.

"Please do nothing to alarm her, she is still adjusting." Kai warns.

"Adjusting?" Jezebel questions, but all questions are forgotten when the door to the bedroom is opened and they see their friend for the first time in month. Together their jaws drop at what the see and simultaneously exclaim,


Depending on how many people read and COMMENT for me to go on, I may or may not regularly start updating again.

Please Please Please 



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