11. Memories

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Anna's P.O.V

The old familiar smell of my childhood home hit me like a ton of bricks. Memories came flooding back like a movie behind my eyes. My stomach was throbbing now, and blood still escaped from between my fingers. If I was going to die anywhere, it was going to be where most of my good memories came from. Apparating this far and being wounded had sapped a significant amount of my strength, so I struggled to break into the back door, ripping the mesh and smashing a small hole in the glass window to reach the door knob.

I had no idea where my wand was at this point. Barely any coherent thoughts formed in my head and my heart was beating wildly. I hadn't been back here since Mom had died, I couldn't face it. It looked exactly the same, save for a slightly musty smell tinging the air. What got my attention however as I stumbled into the kitchen, was an envelope sitting on the table. It was parchment, not ordinary paper I knew it wasn't an unpaid bill. I carefully lowered myself onto one of the kitchen chairs and picked up the letter. Some blood from my hand smeared on the envelope and I quickly wiped it on the fabric of my dress. I struggled to get the envelope open with one hand, the other still pressed tightly to the mortal wound on my stomach. My heart clenched as I read it.

My darling daughter,

First of all, before I say anything else, I want to tell you that I love you. I know that our bond wasn't as strong as we would have liked, but you were my whole world and I would give you my dying breath to see you achieve your dreams. I write this letter to you because I know the end is near, he knows what I've done, and he'll make me pay for it. Though I told you who your father was and you accepted my reasons for being with such a man, I had never told you the whole truth. I knew that it wouldn't stay hidden forever and I also knew that when it got out that my days would be very limited. It may break your heart to learn this, and I am so very sorry. While Tom and I were engaged, we were having an argument, it started to get out of hand and in a moment of anger, he hit me-

I gasped in horror, mom went through that? I knew that the engagement was an arrangement, but I thought that he wouldn't have done that to her. What other disgusting things was he guilty of?

-I was so depressed that night that I sought out the comfort of an old male friend. It was wrong of me to do, Anna, but I can't bring myself to regret what I did, because it gave me you. I am very surprised that the deception remained hidden for so long, but one source of mine has confirmed he is coming for me. I love you my darling, know that you were the product of a love so deep that I hope it carries you through life so you don't have to go through what I did. You may have wondered why I had very little friends or acquaintances, now you know. I had to keep distance. I love you, please forgive me darling Annabelle.

Mom xxx

The letter hung limp in my hands and I looked up. My mind was reeling and my vision was fogging. It wouldn't be long now... but who was he? Tom wasn't my father? After all these years, copping all the insults and awful looks, was for nothing? Who was mom talking about? A huge weight of emotion was crashing into me in waves. Maybe I wasn't ready to die, I had to find him. I had to know who he was. But I could feel my time running out, breathing was harder and the blood seeping through my fingers had let too much escape already.

My head rolled to the side, too heavy for my neck to support. My body was slumped in the chair, black rimmed the edges of my sight and a feint ringing began in my ears. I took one last breath of the comfortingly familiar smell around me and let it take me. I could feel the marks that had appeared on my body beginning to tingle strangely but I had no time to dwell on it because my fuzzy hearing started picking up noises around me. It sounded like people shouting or calling something. I couldn't make anything out, but I felt the hands on my shoulders shaking me. The hands then pulled me up against something solid but comforting just as the darkness consumed me and a rush of heat flew through my body.


Kai's P.O.V

As soon as I opened my eyes and saw Anna's family I breathed out a sigh of relief. If they had gotten me out of that hell hole then they would have gotten her too. One of the vampires, the head of the coven I think, was standing next to me, a bloody rag in his hand and a bowl of crimson stained water next to him. The wounds that littered my body were cleaned and bandaged. My father would have killed me for my behaviour, but to be honest, I couldn't care less at this point. He had thrown me down, he would have to deal with it. Now that I had found her, nothing else mattered.

As they explained what had gone down while I was out, my fears rose. I knew that taking her last night wasn't the smartest of ideas, but I hadn't thought about the consequences. How it would seal the binding. When they mentioned the peculiarity of her blood, knew almost immediately what they were talking about. No doubt the Markings were also on her. Right now however, my main focus was finding her. We were all sitting in the kitchen thinking of places we could search when one of the female vampires looked up.

"I know where she is." I jumped off the table.

"Where?" I demanded and ignored the growls in the room.

"Well, you said that she would most likely go to somewhere she feels safe, I don't think that any place since her mother died is a place she would go."

Everyone murmured in agreement.

"So you're saying..." I wondered.

"She's at her old house." The female vampire confirmed.

"We just have to work out where that is." The coven leader mumbled to himself.

"I know someone who'd know." A short, spiky-haired vampire piped up, gaining everyone's attention. "That woman at the girl's house, Mrs Rowan."

"Lupin, Sirius, Molly, you stay here." Arthur Weasley instructed and a shaggy-haired man immediately leaped up.

"No Arthur! Not this time, I've been inside too long. Just this time, I'm coming with you." Weasley looked ready to fight him but took a long breath and sat down.

"Fine, I can't stop you this time."

"When do we leave?" Pixie asked.

"Now." I said.



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