Chapter 13

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A couple hours later, Reid woke me up while I was taking a nap at the desk. He walked behind it, and sat in a chair beside me. He was a Daniels, therefore he's entitled to do whatever the hell he wants apparently.

"You ghosted Ryder. And I can't figure out how or why you did it, but you did. And when you saw me, you looked hurt. I don't get why you're hurt, if you're the one who left him."

I looked down.

"You don't understand. I don't want to talk about this."

I tried to get up, but he put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down to the chair gentley. He glared at me.


"Let's just say I didn't have a choice, Reid. I didn't want to leave him, but I did. I did it for him. He's taking over your fathers business and that's what needs to be priority right now. He's focused now. It's okay. He'll be okay."

He stared at me.

"He's lost. It's like a piece of him died when he realized you left him. He called me when he put the pieces together and he was crying. That's something I haven't seen him do in awhile. Actually. Ever. I've never seen him cry. He's back to his old ways now. Sleeping around, drinking, and he's arrogant and cruel. You made him human, and when you left, you took it with you. Please, for the love of God, bring it back."

I looked away, fighting tears. I knew how I felt to him. And I know how he felt to me. But that didn't change anything.

"I have to get back to work. I still have another 12 hours on the clock."

I got up and started to walk down the hallway to do rounds on my patients.

"Ryder and my parents are on their way here,"

I stopped in my tracks. I didn't turn around. I just listened.

"In case you need to run."

I didn't like the sarcasm in his voice at all. He didn't understand that I ran for my family and for him. To better both sides. Not for me. I wasn't being selfish. I was being selfless.

"I'm not going anywhere."

I heard Reid stand up and walk down the hallway, in the other direction, to his wife's, whose name I had learned was Victoria, room. The next 12 hours was not going to go by quickly.

A few hours later, Reid came to me at my station while I was doing paperwork. He told me  to go to Victoria's room because she wanted to speak with me. I told him I wasn't if his whole family was in there, I didn't want to be put in an awkward, uncomfortable place. He said they weren't here yet and that it'd be quick. So I got up and went into Victoria's room. She was sitting up with a hand on her stomach, protecting her baby in the womb.

"Alexandria, right? Come here."

I approached her and she patted a spot on her bed. I sat down. She took my hand and placed it on her stomach. It took a few seconds before I felt the baby kick. I smiled.

"I was freaking out. And then you snapped and told us all to shut the hell up, which I needed to hear. You did amazing out there. This little one is living because of you. Thank you, Alexandria."

I smiled at her. I felt protective over the two like a momma bird. It was weird as hell. But I was beyond happy I did something helpful.
Probably the first time I'd been happy in months.

"Just doing my job, Mrs. Daniels."

"Call me Vic."

I smiled and left the room and went back to my desk. I typed out reports since a nurse was forced to act to save a life while a doctor wasn't present. It was a huge hassle.

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