Chapter 4

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Friday came and I was all packed for the business trip. Ryder and his personal driver were picking me up and taking me to the airport with them.

It was late afternoon, and I had been given the whole day off to pack. I was wearing simple leggings and a sweater with sneakers. My hair was thrown up I'm a messy bun. It was almost 3, so I brought my purse, laptop bag, and suit case down to my door. The night prior, I had emailed Ryder my address so he could pick me up.

I heard three knocks at my door. I opened the door and Ryder and a man, who I assumed was his driver, were standing there. He smiled at me. His driver stuck out his hand.

"Miss Spade. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Leonard. I'll be taking your bags to the car now."

He grabbed my purse and flung it over his shoulder along with my laptop bag. He rolled my suitcase to the black limo and put it in the trunk, I giggled at his behavior before realizing he left Ryder and I there alone.

"You have a very lovely place here, Miss Spade. Not what I was expecting. At all."

I locked the door to my house and spun around to meet his gaze.

"Never underestimate me, Mr. Daniels."

I smirked and walked past him toward Leonard who was holding the door open for me and Ryder to eventually enter. I knew damn well that Ryder was staring at my ass. I put a little extra pep in my step for that reason.

I thought about this trip. What if something happened between Ryder and I? What if I ended up having sex with him?! It would be so hard to deny him. He's so gorgeous.

I sat down in the car, followed shortly by Ryder. He got in and sat beside me. We had a silent ride to the airport until he got a call from from a client.

"No fucking way am I reembercing you for a mistake your own damn self made! You're an idiot."

He was yelling into the phone and into my ear. He hung up and sighed a heavy breath. I felt bad for the person on the other line. I would never want to feel the wrath of Ryder Daniels. I'd rather feel other things of Ryder Daniel's. If you catch my drift.

We arrived at the airport but we didn't get let out at a gate. We were brought onto the runway  and pulled up beside an all black jet with "R.D." on the side of it. My mouth dropped slightly. I was impressed with how put together this man is. He's 29, CEO of a billion dollar company, and he's about to take over the whole business.

Leonard opened the door for Ryder and I. We got out and then Leonard grabbed our luggage from the trunk and brought it on the plane. We boarded and took seats across from one another. He flashed me a white, perfect smile and then buckled his seat belt. I buckled mine and then held onto the arm rests tightly.

"Scared of flying?" He asked me with a smirk.

I blushed. "Slightly."

Little did he know that my parents were killed by a plane crashing into the building they just so happened to of been in that day. I suppressed the thought and looked out the window. I feel the plane begin to move and heard the flight attendant giving instructions, but I closed my eyes and tuned her out. Once we were in the air and the seat belt signs were off, I opened my eyes and relaxed.

He was staring at me. Hard. And he must have been the whole time. He almost had a look in his eyes like he felt sorry or something. Never would I ever of thought to see that look in his eyes. I blushed and took off my seatbelt. I excused myself to the restroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that my naturally tan skin looks very pale. I splashed cold water on my face, dried off, and then went back to take my seat. He stared at me again.

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