Chapter 6

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The flight home was intense. I, of course, was freaking out when the plane took off, had turbulence, and landed. This time, Ryder sat on the couch on the other side of room, ignoring my panic attacks.

We didn't talk the whole 4 hours, nor the ride home for his driver to drop me off at my house. At my house, I got out of the car, Leonard brought my stuff into my house. While Leonard was busy, I looked at Ryder.

"I know you're pissed.. I didn't want to stop us. I don't want to. But something in me is telling me to keep you shut out for now. So I am. And I'm sorry."

He didn't say anything or acknowledge that I said anything. I walked up to my house. Leonard shook my hand and went to his side of the car.

I peared out the door one last time, almost like I was waiting for Ryder to jump out and run to me, but I knew that wouldn't happen so I shut the door. I had no reason to be upset. This was all because of me. I did this all to myself. But I still went to my room and let the tears fall. I knew I gave up someone really important who probably could have changed me. But I didn't want him to know me. I didn't want to be viewed as damaged. Because I knew I was, and I didn't want to talk about it.

I had the rest of the week off, but went back to work on Monday.

I got up, put on a flowy, black, short skirt with a white blouse. I wore black heels and straightened my hair and threw on natural make up with a dark plum lipstick. I didn't want to impress him and make him look at me, but I found myself playing out that scenario in my head and my body following the motions.

I went downstairs and got in my car. I drove to work, parked, and got in the elevator. I rode up and thought about everything. I got to the floor before mine, took one last breath, and then waited for the doors to open. When they did, I walked straight to my office and set my stuff down. I relaxed in my chair and started answering emails when I got a phone call from Ryder's office. My heart quit beating. I was terrified. I answered.

"Good morn-"

"Black coffee. Three espresso. Now."

He hung up. This was going to be a rough day.

I went to the break room and got his coffee then knocked on his door. A young man, similar looking to Ryder, opened it and smiled.

"You must be Alexandria."

"Yes sir."

"I'm Reid Daniels. Ryder's older brother."

I got nervous very quickly. He probably thought the worst of me. And I bet Ryder told his parents so now they probably dispised me. My head started to hurt from all the overthinking.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Daniels."

"Please, call me Reid. Could you bring me the same coffee as my brother? Minus one espresso? I'm not as on edge today as he seems to be."

I knew I was the reason for his edge. I'm not sure Reid knew though at this point though. My mind eased up a bit.

"Yes sir."

"Oh and Alexandria?"


"We have a meeting in conference room A in an hour with our parents. Don't be late and take diligent notes."

That last part he said, he was trying mimick Ryder. And damn was he close. Aside from that, I was about to be in a room with the entire Daniels family. Who may or may not know that I rejected their son. I was scared shitless.

The entire time, Ryder's focus stayed on his computer. Never looking at me. Back to square one.

I placed Ryder's coffee on his desk and then turned out to walk out his glass door, but I stopped quickly when I saw a group of about five men standing in their formal, blue U.S. Navy uniforms. I didn't recognize any of them. I kept watching, as they approached the secretary to ask her a question.

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