Chapter 15

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I was working for a couple hours, I knew I still had a long time to go. I picked up the same girl's shift while she was back home in Tennessee.

I went in and checked Vic's vitals and made sure her heart beat hadn't obtained a murmur or something worse. I made sure the baby was warm and breathing. They both were doing spectacular. Vic would talk to the baby from across the room. Her and Reid still hadn't decided on a name for the baby yet. They argued about it constantly. They were arguing about it when I walked in the room.

"What about Hazel?" Viv asked.

"Hazel? Is she 70 years old already?"

"Fine. Samantha."

"Too manly. No unisex names."

And they went on like this for hours. Ryder sat in the chair listening. I was surprised he hadn't left already. Maybe he took some time off work to be here with Reid. I'm sure Ivan wasn't thrilled about it at all. It's been almost 4 days since Vic was admitted. Ivan belittled him for being gone 4 days with me, so where was he now?

"How about Olivia or Madison?" Reid asked.

Vic glared at him.

"Those are literally the most basic names ever. No."

I smiled at the two bickering. I was changing the baby's diaper. She was still little and required very precise care.


I turned around and Vic was looking at me.


"Give me your best baby name ideas. Please. We need help."

I had thought about naming my future kids awhile ago. When Ryder and I were together and things were serious. I knew I wouldn't need the names anytime soon. I pretended to think about them, so that it wasn't obvious I already had some picked out.

"Ainsley. Raylee. Aspen."

Vic looked at me and narrowed her eyes. She was about to speak when Ryder butter in. Yes Ryder.

"Not Aspen. I don't like it."

Reid and Vic look at Ryder confused and looked back at me. They looked back at me, then at each other and smiled.

"Ainsley. I like it." Reid said with a smile.

"I do too."

Reid walked over to the baby and looked at her.

"Ainsley Quinn."

I smiled at the little moment I saw happen. It was special and I'm glad I got to help and be a part. I was walking out of the door. Vic spoke to me.

"Thank you, Alexandria."

I turned to her and smiled.

"My pleasure."

I walked away and to the next patient's room. I finished up my rounds and headed back for the nurses station. This was my everyday routine. Constantly checking in on patients, charting and filing for doctors. It was endless and actually quite exhausting.

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