Chapter 7: A Surprise Guest

Start from the beginning

Sami told me Sandi was on top of Nate kissing him like if there was no tomorrow. After that they have never spoke to each other ever again. I still see Nate with Sandi as if his relationship with Sami never existed.

My heart ached for her when she told me this through tears. I saw her suffer for a whole week.

"They are a bunch of idiots don't pay attention to that," I said. "So have you heard news about the girl that was screaming in Kristen birthday?"

"Yeah," she said lightly. "Her name is Gretchen and about a day before Kristen's birthday her little brother passed away. Something about the flu sickness. She seems a lot better now, now that's she friends with Kristen that is."

"Oh, so where's your car?" I asked looking through the parking lot. I couldn't find it anywhere.

"I came walking from my house," she replied. "The engine wouldn't work so my dad said he would take a look at it."

"That car is old," I teased. "What year is it? 1985? How do you expect it to work?"

She squinted her eyes at me. "Hey, don't complain. That car is a hand-me-down. Plus I have sweet childhood memories about it."

A gust of wind sent freezing air down the back of Sami's and my coat collar. We both shivered.

"Ugh," she moaned. "I hate the cold."

"If we walk faster then we could be somewhere warm in my house," I offered. She nodded and we both headed towards my house.

We talked about school and grades. Just when we reached Matt's house.

I flinched my head towards the second story window. I swear I saw the curtain move and someone was behind it stared down at us.

I'm being paranoid, I thought shaking my head. I ran into the porch and open the door. A gust of warm air greeted us. It smelled nice.

Mmm, I thought. Mom must be here by now.

"I'm home," Sami called out. "I brought Nikki."

"Hey," I protested giving her playful shove. "It's my home."

"And this is my second home," she replied with a smile. "You are like a second family to me."

"Hey you two," mother said as she poked her head out of the kitchen. "How was school?"

"Good," I said, chuckling. "Had a long chem test, but am fine."

"Hope you aced it," she smiled. She walked out of the kitchen as she wiped her hands with a towel. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail, and she wore loose-fitting grey sweats with stains on the front of the white shirt.

"You about twenty with your hair pulled back like that," I said. "What's on the menu?"

"Soup," she said. "Hope you like it Sami."

"Thanks but no thanks," she said as she pulled off her coat and tied her brown hair back. "I need to get home. My dad is waiting for me to buy some things for my car since it broke down this morning."

"Oh, then in that case let Aaron drive you home," she said looking at the clock besides her. "Aaron should be here any second now."

Just then the window behind the couch glowed brightly as a car pulled into the driveway. I parted the curtains and peeked out.

"Yup that him," I stated. "Come on Sami let's go tell him." I jumped on my feet and headed towards the door. I put my hand on the doorknob and opened it wide. Cold air entered inside the warm house.

"Aaron! Start the car, again," I said as I walked next to his window. He rolled down the window.

"Sami needs a ride home," I said gesturing toward Sami who was standing beside me. "Mom said you take her home."

He shrugged. "Yeah sure why not." He started the car. He grabbed something from the passenger seat and gave it to me. I took me a few seconds to realize what it was. In his hands was a large pink box of donuts. They were warm.

"Sami, do you want one?" Aaron asked point at it. "I barely bought them and plus they were pulled out right away from the oven."

"Yum thanks," she said as I opened the box. She grabbed a round chocolate donut. The smell made my mouth get watery.

"Bye, Nikki," she said waving towards me as she went around towards the car towards the passenger seat. She dropped down inside.

"Tell mom I'm going to bring someone for dinner," he said as he backed the car away from the driveway.

"'k," I called back. I saw the car disappear around the corner. I turned around and headed back inside.

"Brrr!" I shivered as I closed the door behind me. "It's so cold."

It's only September, but already the weather feels as cold as January. I walked inside the kitchen and placed the bow of donuts on the table and walked back in the living room. I threw my backpack on the couch and hung my heavy winter coat on the varnished wooden pig next to the door. I grabbed my backpack and hurried upstairs into my room.

I burst open the door, turned on the light and dropped my backpack on the floor. I threw myself on the wide bed and went to sleep.

* * *

"Wake up honey," I heard my mother say. "It's time to eat."

"Huh," I said. I sat up dizzy. "Yeah mom I'll come down."

"We have a visitor," she said softly and walked out of my room.

Huh? A visitor? I thought. I wonder who it could be.

I stood up, still dazed, and walked slowly down stairs. I could hear laughter. Then I recognized the voice. My eyes fluttered opened. No, it can't be, I thought shaky. I thought she left for good. As if to never come back, ever!

I rushed down and surely she was there. Laughing causally as she resting her head on my older brother's shoulder. Elizabeth. Chris's older sister. The girl who said, at the funeral, she would much rather see her little brother dead than to be with me.

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