Short Story: Black Claw

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In case you guys forgot, this takes place immediately after the events of the last short story, "The Tale of Zander Rogue". Enjoy!
A Random Bar (Vacuo)
Directly after the events of The Tale of Zander Rogue

For a few seconds, Zander "Akuma" Rogue forgot how to breathe. He searched Bomani Niflheim's eyes for some sort of joke, but he found none. When it came to stuff like this, Bomani never joked.

"You're absolutely positive?" Zander finally spoke, his shock making his voice shaky.

Bomani nodded, "Kuron was there. Saw it themselves. Sienna told us to find you in her final moments. Said you would know what to do."

Zander's eye began to twitch, anger beginning to replace the shock, "Who did it?"

"Adam Taurus led a coup for the throne. Murdered her before she even got a chance to fight. We also lost a good number of brothers and sisters who weren't loyal to Adam due to a hired group of Atlesian mercenaries. As far as we know, Kuron and Kano are the only ones left in HQ who aren't loyal to Taurus."

Adam. Of course it was. Zander has always had a bad feeling about him. Rumors of his roguish ways in Vale, along with rumors of his abusive relationship with his former girlfriend, were what caused Zander to warn Sienna of him, but to no avail. And now she was likely dead because of it.

"So then," Zander spoke, "What's the plan now?"

"Well, running is one option, but also one that people like my and Kuron's teams won't go for. So instead, we all got together and came to a unanimous decision: beat Taurus at his own game. And we want you to be a part of it."

"Start another coup? And you want me to lead you?"

"Not exactly, but you're about right," Bomani then leaned forward, "Look. The White Fang has a bad reputation, especially now with High Leader Khan dead. So we're looking into an idea a little more... revolutionary."

Zander let out a small smirk, "That seems a little ironic."

"Indeed. But we have the means to do it, especially if you join. We aim to do what Adam has done: ally with humans."

Zander raised an eyebrow at that, "You all came to that unanimous decision, even after you thought of that little tidbit?"

"A necessary move. We may not be fond of humans, but we'd be willing to put our differences aside if they are willing to do the same. Though it doesn't look like it, racism is not quite as bad as it used to be. Many people have no issue with Faunus, so joining us to fight a terrorist group would be more heroic than anything."

"Have you actually contacted any humans yet?"

"No, not yet. But Cynthia knows someone with a lot of connections here in Vacuo. She said he'd be willing to help if she can get a hold of him. And they're not the only one."

Bomani looked straight into Zander's eyes, "There's a human from Vale who lost his parents to the White Fang years back. Kano's been tracking him and his team for a while now."

"Why is he so important that you would need to spy on him before Sienna's death?"

Bomani then slightly smirked, "His name is Skyler Yin."

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