Incorrect Quotes Part 3

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This might be getting a little out of hand...
SDC employee: *finds Akira lying on Daegal*

Akira: *blushing furiously* This isn't what it looks like!!

SDC employee: Really? Cause it looks like two kids breaking into a top secret research lab about to steal SDC technology.

Akira: Oh, well in that case it's exactly what it looks like.
*Various teams meet up*

Nathan: Let's keep this brief. We're here as a deterrent, in case any more of RAGYO KIRYUIN's minions show up.

Skyler: Wait, what was that?

Pamela: What? He was just talking about RAGYO KIRYUIN's minions.

Skyler: Can you guys not say Salem? Pamela, say Ragyo Kiryuin.

Pamela: Ragyo Kiryuin.

Skyler: Now say Salem.


Skyler: Salem's using her Semblance to make everyone hear her name as Ragyo Kiryuin. I'm not affected... so I can say it?


Salem: Because I don't know. I get bored sometimes too. It's a thing to do.

Heinrich: Who... Who are you responding to... Lady Kiryuin?

Salem: Hm? Oh, nobody Heinrich... Nobody at all...
Sora: Come on now. Get the ball, boy. Get the ball.

Taven: I'm not a dog.


Taven: Just to keep the record straight, I'm retrieving the ball only because I'm a decent person.

Sora: Uh-huh, sure.
Brittany: *flirts with someone*

Nathan: Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.
Axel: I'm not worried about fighting someone weaker than Beowulf Wilhelm.

Brittany: You just pressed the Beowulf button.

Nathan: *decks Axel in the face* You shouldn't have did that.
Skyler: Hey guys, do you dare me to make out with Yang?

Dante & Hazel: No.

Skyler: *shaking his head and chuckling* I can't believe you guys are making me do this.

Dante & Hazel: We're not.

Yang: Shut up, let the man speak.
Rin: *about Axel* Haha, this kid is such a LOSER.


Rin: Oh.

Rin: Oh no.

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