A Night to Remember

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Yoongi's POV:

"Why did Jungkook leave me alone in a separate room?! Aren't we best friends?!", I lounged on the small bed and closed my eyes.

"Jungkook is becoming more distant...", I thought to myself as I flipped over on my side.
The musty smell of the room kept me half awake for the majority of my sleep.

I had to admit that the realization of not seeing my loved ones pierced my heart.
"How much longer do we have to endure such conditions?", I curled up into a fetal position and cried myself asleep.

Hoseok's POV:

"This woman...", I muttered under my breath as her claw-like nails grazed my cheek in a seductive manner.
"Hoseok...baby...would you mind closing the door?", Isabella crossed her legs and waited for her request to be answered.
I signed and headed towards the door, already feeling the stressful tension in my body.
I held my hand on the doorknob for what seemed like forever until an idea sprinted up, "Oh Isabella, I forgot to prepare, I'll be back!"
All I could do was walk out and swiftly head down the hallway to hide, so I wouldn't be forced to satisfy her in a sinful way.
I made it all the way down the hallway of the top floor, half expecting to see Isabella storm down my direction any minute.
My feet stopped cold when I saw Yoongi laying fast asleep in the small bed that every room possessed. His sleeping face showed peacefulness yet sadness hung around.
"Does he have his own room?", I wondered as I let my eyes scan the small window that was fit for my height.
"What are you looking at?", a voice startled me to the point where my heart jumped.
"Yah! Would you stop?!", I whispered to Jungkook who appeared out of nowhere.
Jungkook pushed me aside gently and looked into the window, "You like Yoongi?"
"WHAT? NO!", I stood back in denial with a bit of blush rushing to my cheeks.
"Then why were you staring?", Jungkook pressed for an answer.
"HOSEOK! YOU ASS!!!!", the ringing of Isabella's loud obnoxious voice shattered my hearing.
"Would you calm down?!", I yelled back at her.
"NO YOU LIED TO ME!", she grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me down the hall to the opposite side.
I could see an expression on Jungkook's face, but I couldn't make it out.
"Let go!", I harshly pulled away from her and walked back into the room.
Her voice had turned soft like an innocent girl's voice, but I wasn't falling for it..at least not this time...
"You expect me to fall for your nasty self?!", I gripped her neck and tightened my hold.
She was in need for air as her arms flailed every which way.
"Hos..eok...", her face went from a shade of red to purple within seconds.

"But I couldn't do it..."
"I didn't want to become the murderer that everyone feared.."

I took my hands away from her scrawny neck and rushed out before she could utter a word.

I kept running, knowing soon enough I'd run into a dead end.

Dinner time came around as we all gathered in one room to eat the food that was served to us.
I sat across from Yoongi as he kept dozing off, "Hey!", I whispered.
"What?", he groaned in response.
"Your head is going to fall in the food", I nervously took my fork and picked up a pile of corn from my tray.
"Could you mind your own business?", Yoongi scooted his tray away and laid his head firmly down on the table.
"Cold much?", I thought to myself as I continued to eat the little food that I had on my plate.
I averted my eyes away from Yoongi for a second only to curse myself for looking away. Isabella was slumped on her chair, eating slowly while tears fell down her cheeks.
She caught me staring at her after awhile; she grabbed a napkin and wiped any evidence of her tears.
"A girl like you should suffer the consequences...", I muttered to myself.

"What are you talking about?", Yoongi asked from across the table.
"It's nothing...", I finished the last of my food and went to throw my trash away.
As I walked back into the room that I unfortunately shared with Isabella, a loud knocking sound came from down the corridor. My eyes scanned the other end of the corridor as the knocking grew closer.
After a few minutes, Jungkook and Namjoon also went to investigate the knocking with their weapons prepared.
"Is it a zombie?", Jungkook asked Namjoon.
"Just be prepared to shoot if necessary...", Namjoon replied as he ventured closer to the noise.
"I don't see anything...", Namjoon went through the rooms that could have the culprit for the excessive knocking.
"Than where is it coming from?", Jungkook went past Namjoon to double check to see if their was a threat among us.
"This place gives me the creeps", Jungkook comes back from the last two doors on the end of the hallway.
"Let's go", Namjoon decided to head back into the room, not soon after, Jungkook also went back into their room.
I stood against the wall and listened for any soft, mysterious sound that drew my curiosity, but the noises had ended.

10:15 pm
Isabella still hadn't came back after walking off somewhere to drown herself in useless tears. I flipped towards the door, watching the faint shadows of the lights flickering ever so often.
My droopy eyes soon couldn't overcome sleep any longer as I drifted into a land of dreams.

"Am I dreaming?", I said half awake at the loud sound.


I jumped off the bed when I was sure I heard a familiar voice scream.
"YOONGI?!", I went straight to his room to find it empty, but the door was slightly cracked.
I messed up my hair with frustration, "YOONGI WHERE ARE YOU?!"


I ran down the hallway where Namjoon and Jungkook had investigated earlier. I felt the drop of my heart when I saw Yoongi being pinned down by a gruesome monster.
"JUNGKOOK! NAMJOON!", I screamed as loud as I could.
The monster had been held back by the strength that Yoongi could muster, but his strength wouldn't last for long.
"Yoongi! They're coming!", I slowly tiptoed in. The monster averted its gaze up from Yoongi and straight at me.
The monster came barreling towards me, and I couldn't stop it.
"HOSEOK!", Yoongi got up and karate kicked the monster.
"DONT MOVE!", Namjoon had his gun prepared to shoot.
The bullet fired through the monster's brain, resulting in a pool of blood soaking through the carpet.
Yoongi escaped the shock and hugged me tightly.
"Shh...", he gently patted my back while I sat in awe.
He ended the embrace and stared into my eyes, "I didn't think you would come..."
"What do you mean?", I asked while admiring the sparkle that remained in his eyes.
"I thought you hated me...", he answered awkwardly.
"Hate you?", I gave him a playful smile.
I pulled him into a hug that lasted longer than the first one, "I don't dislike you."
Namjoon cleared his throat, "Are you guys going to bed, it's getting late."
I suddenly pulled away and scraped the dirt off my clothes.
Yoongi walked out with a hint of pink visible in his cheeks.

"Why is his blush causing me to blush?"

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