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Yoongi's POV:

The curiosity inside was gradually going to be the death of me...
I heard the sound of a gun which triggered my body to quietly walk down the hall.
"Why am I always the one in the dark about these things?!", I grew angry and punched a nearby wall.
Then the excruciating pain came almost instantly, "Ah shit...", I rubbed my hand repeatedly.

"Yoongi? What are you doing?", Jungkook came from the main room with an expression I couldn't read.
"I—-was curious...", I placed my injured hand behind my back and stepped forward.
"Don't", Jungkook stopped me with the palm of his hand.
"Jungkook! Do you not see me as a friend because if you don't, I really don't mind leaving!", I began to boil.
"Yoongi! Calm down!", he held my shoulders, but I shrugged off his hands and looked away.
"I don't know you...", I softly muttered with a tear falling down my cheek.
"Yoongi! You do know me! I just don't want to lose you!", he pulled me into a hug that I couldn't fight out of.
"Well..I don't want to lose you either...", I pressed my hands against his back.
I can't help that I want to protect people", Jungkook smiled while pulling away.
"I know very well...it just hurts", I replied with a gummy smile.

The sound of a bucket falling to the floor abruptly ended their sweet reunion. Jungkook went to the edge of the door of Namjoon's room, overlooking the hallway, and saw a bucket with a yellow substance cascading across the floor.
"I'll be back", Jungkook disappeared before I could ask him what's wrong.
"What's the use...he wouldn't tell me anyways..", I groaned.

"What's that smell?", I sniffed my armpits and gawked at myself.
"Where's a shower when you need one...", I wondered down the hallways, peeping into the different rooms looking for a bathroom. I started to smell another scent spreading through the air as I went deeper down the hallway.
"Why does it smell like something is dead?", I only then stopped to see a young girl trying to grasp for air.
"WHATS GOING ON?!", I yelled out hoping someone would hear me.
The girl kept coughing until her face turned blue.
When no one came, I bent down close to her face and gave her air.
"Yoongi?!", I heard Jungkook's voice from behind me.
"I was helping!"
"JUST GET OUT BEFORE YOU DIE!", he grabbed me and flees the scene leaving the girl struggling for her life. We made it to the main room where everyone was holding their loved ones close. Jungkook let go of my hand and motioned for Namjoon to tell everyone.
What's going on?", I whispered to Jungkook, but he just ignored me.

"We must leave! Someone's had exposure to dangerous life threatening material!"
Right then, all of the people pack up their belongings while some kids only stand around to cry.
"Where will we go if we can't stay here?", the image of the monsters eating someone forged across my mind giving me shivers.
"We'll find a place I promise", Jungkook replied with a smile, but it soon disappeared.
"Where's Jimin and his mom?", Jungkook scanned everyone's faces looking for chubby cheeks and a woman that looks just like him.
"He's probably still upset about earlier...", Namjoon brings his gun close to his body.
"I didn't think he would run away for such a long time though...", the awkward silence filled the room after Jungkook speaks like the people are secretly blaming him for this ordeal.
"Let's go find him", Namjoon turned down the dark hallway.
Jimin's voice made my body tense up. I could see the panic in Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook's POV:

Namjoon and I go running down the hallways while trying to cover our noses with the long sleeve shirts.
"Jimin can you hear me?!", I asked with a muffled voice.
"Yes", I heard a soft, weak voice in reply.
"I need you to find something to cover your face!", I tell him.
We make it to the room where Jimin's voice came from to see his mom on her last breath in his arms. Jimin started to cry as his mom falls victim to the dangerous yellow substance.
"Jimin...", I gently said as Jimin cradled his dead mom with a pool of tears.
"GO AWAY!", Jimin looked up into my eyes and all I can see is pure hatred burning in them.
Namjoon brought a hand to my shoulder and pats it lightly before approaching Jimin, "We didn't mean to cause harm..."
"But you did...", Jimin wiped the tears from his red blotchy face.
"We thought it was safe...", Namjoon continued as he gazed up at the walls and the ceilings.
"Please go...", Jimin covered his eyes on the verge from crying again.
"We can't leave you! You'll die!", I stepped in.
"I don't belong in this world anyways!", Jimin yelled for the walls to hear.
"We need you Jimin...", I bent down and reach out to hug him.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!", he scooted away.
"Fine..", I stood up and dust the dirt off my clothes.
I took my gun and head back into the main room boarding everyone else.

My heart continued to hurt as I pictured Jimin unable to bring a smile to his face or unable to stop the tears from shedding.
"I just wish I wasn't such a nuisance!", I growled in frustration.
Everyone starts gathering at the door, still hesitant on whether they want to risk their lives in the outside world.
I patiently waited for Jimin to make an appearance into the main room, but I start to think that he will decide to stay with his dead mom.
"Let's go!", Namjoon gets his gun prepared before standing in front of the people.
"Come on Jimin...", I whispered while continuing to watch the hallway.
Namjoon started to guide the people out of the once safe haven while I continued to watch the hallway, "Come on Jimin...please don't stay here..."

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