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Jimin's POV:

I sat with my knees away from the floor, cradling my lifeless mom, not able to stop the water flowing from my eyes.

"I won't move no matter what others shouldn't be abandoned in such a place..", I sniffled whilst talking to my mom even though she couldn't reply. My talking is cut short when a low and hungry growl arises from the dark corridors.

"Hello?", I instinctively held my mom close as I studied the hallway in front of me. The continuous growling began to send me over the edge, "Hello?!', I said in a panicky voice.

A dark unbalanced figure approached us from the entrance to the room, at first I couldn't see its features, but then the color of its eyes activated me to head back to the nearest wall.

"No exit...", I peered around in realization that I might end up like the disgusting creature coming at me.

"JIMIN!", a swift wind of relief flowed past me when I heard his voice.

"I'm here!", I tried to yell loudly, but my dry throat restricted it. Jungkook held his gun up to the monster's forehead and pulled the trigger. As I watched the monster's body fall parallel in front of me, I saw the look in Jungkook's eyes.

"Jimin...I need you to be coming with us", he said a little out of breath.

"I can't leave her here", I held her to my chest.

"What if I made a promise to you?", he asked while bending down to my eye level.

"What promise can you make when its complete chaos outside?!", I pretended to inspect the ground.

"I promise to protect you...", his response sent me speechless.

"Did he just say that he would protect me?!"

"But nothing can change the fact that my mom is no longer on this earth", I replied.

"No..nothing can change that...but----!"

"Just go!", I scooted myself onto the wall even more until I'm sure my back would be in pain if I were to stand up.

"Why are you so stubborn?", Jungkook leaned down until his face towered over mine.

"Because I'm not going to get myself killed!"

"This place is no longer zombie'll die here.."

My gaze fell upon the zombie on the floor with blood seeping from its head, "Can we bring my mom too?"

"Jimin..she's dead..", he proclaimed lightly as if he didn't want to piss me off more.

"I can love you in place of her..", Jungkook offered his slender hands.

"You're going to pretend to be my mom?!", I shot back.

"No! don't understand..", Jungkook forced my hand on his, "Let's go."

It took every ounce of strength not to stay with my mom's body as Jungkook led me to the dangerous outside world.

"I left a part of my heart in that building..", I whispered to myself as the building became smaller in the distance.

Namjoon continued to lead the whole group of people as the city was left behind to rot.

"Uh...what did you mean when you said that you would love me in place of her?", I matched paces with Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV:

"Do you really don't know? No shit Jungkook! You never told him your feelings", I said to myself while rubbing my hair with frustration. Jimin looked over at me, awaiting for my explanation.


"Jungkook! I need you upfront!", Namjoon's booming leader voice interrupted. I jogged past the crowd of followers to the very front, "What is it?"

"Just as a precaution..", Namjoon responded.

" I can't talk to Jimin or protect him like I promised..", my head kept telling me to notify Namjoon, but my instincts screamed the opposite.
Just as I was about to tell Namjoon about my promise to Jimin, Yoongi ran up to me and took the bottom of my shirt in his grasp, "What is it Yoongi?", I asked softly.
"You're always around that other guy more than me...", Yoongi fake pouted.
"Yoongi, we are best friends...there's no need to be jealous", I teased him with a smile.
"Jealous?", he scoffed.
"I mean look at the way you are holding onto me", the smirk never left my face as I enjoyed the foul expressions that appeared on Yoongi's face.
"What are you talking about Jungkook? I just needed some protection from the people eaters!", Yoongi let's go of the hem of my shirt.
"Are you guys going to keep on playing?", Namjoon brought in a voice that sent chills through my body.
I only then began to pay attention to my surroundings, a wall was built extremely high like a border for a country, "What is this place?"
"Everyone be quiet!", Namjoon stopped the crowd from moving any further.

Yoongi's POV:

I headed back to the middle of the crowd to see Hoseok with his arm around the same annoying woman from before.
I honestly wanted to throw up, "You guys look cozy together..."
The woman flashed her dagger like eyes in my direction, "Watch what you say!"
"This woman...", I said to myself.
Hoseok unlatched his arm from hers and continued to walk with the rest of the people.
The woman caught up with some of her so called friends at the front while Hoseok stayed in the middle.
"Why do you feel the need to be nosy?", Hoseok asked in a smart tone.
"Did he just call me nosy?!"
I purposely walked in front of him to trip his skinny legs, but the woman stopped me with her claw like nails.
"What do you think you're doing to my boyfriend?!", her claws started to pinch into my back.
"Boyfriend?! I'm officially done..", I shrugged off her nasty claws and went back to Jungkook and Namjoon.

Jimin's POV:

"Is he just going to leave me back here?"
"He wouldn't right?"
I grew worried as more time past. I began to realize that he's not going to carry out his promise...
"Bastard...", I said to myself while I matched paces with the rest.

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