C9 | Goodbye |

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Warning. Lots of feels. If you haven't finished SNK, then you should probably finish it because this chapter has lots of spoilers if you haven't watched it! You have been warned.

Signal Flares:

Red - Titan spotted.

Black - Deviant Type Titan spotted.

Purple - An emergency of some kind.

Blue - An order to retreat.

Green - Change direction of the formation: Fired by the commander in one direction to indicate a change in the direction, and then repeated by the relay soldiers.

Yellow - This lets everyone know that the mission has been terminated, be it successfully or failed.


Chapter 9

Today is the day you go out to reclaim Wall Maria. People may die today, so praying is what you were told to do. Or at least Anaya told you to... You all gathered at the front, Levi's Squad. You walked up to your (color) horse and fed it a carrot. You jumped onto its back and rode up to the group. You were positioned beside Petra, on the outer side. Anaya was protected in the middle because Levi is the most protective big brother you have ever met. Other than Cole.

"Alright guys! Let's go!" Levi commanded. We walked through the path, earning cheers, some 'You're wasting our taxes,' and even some 'Good Lucks!' You smiled at that comment, a child waved at you and you waved back. The look in the young boys eye made you smile, so much determination. He reminds you of Eren. You continued on the path until you reached the gate. It was lifted for you and you trailed behind Levi.

The exposition started. You all traveled farther and farther into the field. 'Barely any trees and of corse no building, so it's not a save area for 3DMG. I haven't spoted any titans or flares yet, so that's a great sign.' Just as you thought that, a black signal flare goes off to the right of our squad. 'Damn it stop jinxing shit!' You screamed at yourself. The group shifted gears as flares of red and black went off. Levi shot a flare to the left so you changed the route to the left.

Soon you came across the Forest of Big Trees. Your group has been warned about an Abnormal, Female Titan heading towards the forest. It covers the nape of its neck and is running at full speed. The Titan is extremely intelligent. You traveled into the forest, surprisingly no interruptions, until it happened. The so called intelligent titan burst out of no where. Your team tried to speed up a much as they could when the titan appeared. Eren tried to bite his hand but Petra and Levi somehow stopped him. Soon the Female Titan got trapped inside a web of metal chains.

"Anaya, ____! Wait on the trees!" Erwin ordered. You followed your squad onto the trees while watching Levi talking to the Female titan, He had a look of blood thirst in his eyes. Just as he finished threatening it, the titan started screaming, sending tons of titans towards her, making them devour it.

Erwin told Levi to refill his gas and then we set off. You spun through the forest with your squad until you heard the explosion that belonged to someone shifting. The titan came into sight as your team mates went out and fought. You couldn't believe your eyes as the female titan wiped out all of your team mates. You, Anaya, Eren, Lily, and Amber sat there on a tree, Amber had a look of hate on her face. She got off the tree and darted towards the female titan, only to be knocked out.

"Amber!" You all shouted. Anaya and Lily went after her. You stared at the scenery in shock. Petra, Gunther, all of your team mates, dead...Soon you heard a blast and heard Eren's shout. You saw Mikasa jolt by, so you followed her. You heard someone behind you,so your turned around to see Levi. You looked at Levi and saw a look of sadness in his eyes. You touched Levi's back and he looked at you. You smile. He gives you a small smile then looks back at Mikasa. The female titan had Eren in his mouth but was sprinting away. Mikasa was trying to kill it but didn't succeed.

"Mikasa, distract the female titan, ____ and I will go and get Eren." Mikasa nodded and you and Levi went behind it. The titan spun around and tried to grab Levi and you, but it left its two arms exposed. You and Levi darted up its arm, slicing all of the muscle, spinning towards its eyes. Levi slashed the left eye and you slashed the right. She fell to the ground as you both ripped the creature's muscle and made it loose feeling. Levi spotted Mikasa go for its weak spot but stopped it by pushing her out of the way. You heard a snap as you saw a look of pain on Levi's face. You snapped open the monster's mouth and grabbed Eren.

You walked up to Levi, hoping he'll let you use his horse. You tapped his shoulder. Levi turns around and gives you a small smile.

"What?" He asks. You smile at him.

"Corporal, can I use your horse, mine is gone." Levi nods. You smile.

"Thanks!" He nods his head and walks away to a crying soldier. You couldn't call him Levi, because he hasn't told you you can, and, no one can know about the ting going on with you two. You are really not sure if he even love you. He hasn't told you, or at least you don't remember him telling you. Amber and Eren slept in the carriage, trying to heal. You jumped into the carriage and sat between Eren and Amber, you put both of their heads on your lap and moved their hair out of their faces.

"It's okay you two." You whisper. Lily, Anaya, and James join you. You all comfort Eren and Amber as they sleep silently.

"Everyone, it's time to go, get on your horses." Levi orders. You get off of the carriage and follow Levi to his horse. He jump on and holds out his hand to help you up. You get on and wrap your arms around his waist, feeling his muscles tense then he calmed down. The group of survivors rode towards the wall, but soon, when it came into sight. A titan came running behind us.

"A titan is gaining up on us! We're going too slow!" Cried a boy, in the carriage. Levi looked over to him with a deadly glare.

"Empty the load, throw the bodies out..."He ordered. You knew it was wrong, but it would save you all...The soldiers threw all of your comrads bodies off the carriage and when Levi saw Petra, you spotted the saddest look on his face. A tear made its way down your face. You look at Levi and hold him tighter.

"L-Levi?" You whisper. He looks at you. You kiss his cheek and hug him tighter.

"It's okay. I know you uys were friends. She's in a better place now..." You reasure him. His sad face dissapears and you can see the love in his eyes. He holds your hand and then goes back to riding.


You sat in the chair, watching Amber and Eren sleep. You were accompanied by Anaya, Lily, Armin, Mikasa, and James. You looked at the floor and cloed your eyes. You were about to fall asleep until you heard a noise. You look up to see Eren wake up. You had a look of relieve on your face. You all go up to him and see i he's okay. Soon you hear Amber wake up. You, Lily, Anaya, and James walk up to Amber.

"Thank God! Amber!" Lily cries. Amber sits up and looks at all of you guys. Erwin runs into the room.

"Amber! Are you okay?!" He cries. Amber looks up to him.

"Me? Um...I'm fine." She says. Erwin sighs and hugs her lightly, trying not to hurt her. You smile and everyone else hugs her. You all relese her and smile.

"I-I have a question..." Amber says. We all look at her.

W-Who are you?


Dundundun!!! Lol, I'm sorry for missing updates, it's just that I am really busy, I'll be updating on Wednesdays when I'm free. I hope you enjoyed!!!


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