42 sexy green eyes

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Lucas held her hand

Lucas -  come here beautiful

In the classroom locking the door behind them

Riley - so 

He kisses her

Lucas  - relax and what happened this morning

She kisses him

Riley - a group of girls in my Shakespeare class was talking about us and our baby and if you really love me and our baby and how you would leave after our baby is born anyway and I couldn't take it anymore and I just people to stop enough already

He could tell she wasn't calm at all

Lucas - hey beautiful look at me

She did and starts to smile at him

Lucas - what

She kisses him 

Riley - you have sexy green eyes I love them

He picks her up in his arms put her on his desk

Lucas - oh I do huh

Riley put her arms around his neck

Riley - yes I've loved your eyes since we met 

He kisses her neck

Lucas - I fall in love with you every time I look at you Riley 

Riley  melts at his words

Riley - I love you Lucas Friar 

She was going to moan until someone started  pulling on the door

Missy - hello

They pull apart from each other and look at the door 

Riley - ugh Missy Bradford

Riley rolls her eyes

Lucas - Riley you have Nothing to  worry about trust me

Riley got off the desk

Riley - I do it's her I don't trust not you

Pulling on the door again 

Missy - come on already what the hell 

Riley couldn't help but smile

Riley - maybe today won't be so bad after 

Riley  kisses him again

Lucas - yes it will

Riley waited for Missy to leave

Riley - see you later and watch out for Missy please

He pulls her into his arms  and held her 

Lucas - of course I will  see you later

Smiling at each other and Riley left his class

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now