72 spending the rest of our lives together

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Lucas once again got up early and wrote a note for Riley and the babies to meet him at the school in his classroom where they met

Lucas - today's the day

And he couldn't wait to ask her to marry him he was excited about today as he went to check on their girls 

Lucas - Breeland Harper

They were up this morning

Breeland and Harper - dada dada dada

Reaching for their daddy

Lucas - come here

Picking them up and grabbing a picture of mommy too

Breeland and Harper - mama

Kissing their foreheads sweetly

Lucas - yes mama and daddy wants to make you girls happy

There was a knock on the door

Lucas - that is your Aunt and Uncles and Cousin Zaya come on let's go get the door

Knocking checking

Zay and Maya - land told us that today is the big day for you you are asking Riley to marry you today

Zaya claps

Lucas - yes it is yes I am and I got the perfect engagement ring

He smiles

Zay and Maya and Landon - we are happy for you

He looks at them

Lucas - thank you I just hope she say yes

They look at each other and back to him and say

Zay and Maya and Landon - she will say yes and you love each other 

Yes they do and it didn't happen like a usual love story but that doesn't matter what matters is the love they have for each other  and their babies

Lucas - more then words can say I'm ready

They nod

Zay and Maya and Landon - yes you are

Lucas looks at their daughters

Lucas - be good babies 

He leaves the house

Zay and Maya and Landon - this is going to be a good day

Lucas made it to NYU

Lucas - NYU where it all started  where we fell in love and wouldn't take it back

He got out of the car and made  his way into the school and to his classroom he went in his classroom

Lucas - wouldn't change a thing 

Back at home Riley wakes up

Riley - Lucas

She reads the note that he left

Riley - what's going on

She got out of bed to make the twins bottles but she didn't notice that they were up and everything 

Riley - OK babies let's eat

She turns around and sees Zay and Maya and Landon there

Riley -  OK seriously what is going on 

Looking at each other

Zay and Maya and Landon - everything is taking care of  today

What she thought

Riley - I have to go get everything ready for the day and I have to meet Lucas before class today I don't know why but I'm going

They knew why

Zay and Maya and Landon - go get ready we got it go

Riley looks at them

Riley - OK  OK I'm going

They smiles Riley went to get ready

Zay and Maya and Landon - everything is good

Ready to go

Riley - ready to go

Giving Zaya Breeland and Harper kisses

Riley - love you all be good

Out the door to meet Lucas before class 

Riley - what is going on right now

NYU his classroom

Riley  - Lucas

Walking in and she saw in a suit surrounded by moments and memories of them together up to when they had the twins

Riley - Lucas this is beautiful what's going on

He looks at her

Lucas - I love you Riley I love you when we wake up I love you when we go to sleep and I love you everyday I love that you are the mother of our babies and I love everything about you so Riley Grace Matthews will you marry me and spend the rest of our lives together

Happy tears in her eyes as she nods her head yes 

Riley - yes I will marry you Lucas  Friar

Kissing him and they went out to celebrate the moment when someone came speeding towards them

Riley - ahh

He knew

Lucas - Charlie

Get him

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ