18 meeting Riley

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Making it to mama Daisy

Daisy - OK 1

She got his arm

Daisy - OK 2

Got Landon in his arm too

Lucas and Landon - mom

Looking at them cold

Daisy - if you two ever switch places again I'll be back you understand me

She meant it all of it

Lucas and Landon - yes mom

She smiles at them

Daisy - good now where is she luke

Pointing to his classroom

Lucas - classroom mom

On her way to the classroom

Landon - you think she'll like Riley 

Lucas looks at brother

Lucas - yes yes I do

In the classroom Daisy goes in

Riley - Lucas

Daisy looks at her

Daisy - it's his mother actually

Riley was embarrassed she knew that his mom saw the video

Riley - hi I didn't mean for the video you know

Daisy nods

Daisy - I know honey I believe you it's bad yes but I know you are not the type of person to do something like this 

Riley smiles at her

Riley - No No not at all

They hug

Daisy - be good to him

Riley nods

Riley - I will Mrs. Friar I promise you he will be taken care of I love him I haven't told him yet but I do love him so much and I feel it everytime we're together

She laughs a little bit

Daisy - I know you will

She left the room

Lucas - so

Daisy looks at her son

Daisy - I like her take care of  her luke she's good for you  

Daisy left the classroom

Landon - well well well mom likes one of the girls we date thinks she's good for you wow that never happens at all 

Lucas laughs a little bit

Lucas - yeah I know bro I know 

Lucas made his way back to Riley  smiling on the way back to her Landon was happy for his brother 

The Professor and The Brown Haired  Beauty By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now